las vegas fastpitch softball tournament 2022

For more information on USA Softball of Nevada, please visitwww.usasoftballnevada.orgor contact Williams atajwms45@gmail.comor(602) 292-0176. If you have questions about a specific tournament, please contact the Tournament Director. Williams will assume the role on Jan. 1following the retirement of Commissioner Tony Pehle after 21 years of service. balls: Only DUDLEY balls are allowed except the Stadium ball Its an outrageous multi-sensory experience youll never forget. Many signings every year from a variety of Colleges at all levels. Plan on long days - can start as early as 7:00am and play late, Mens D: = Cheyenne / Russel Rd - all final Men's D teams will finish Monday at RR, Womens C: = Vets / Will Finish Monday @ BLD, 40 & Over Men's: = Sunset & Warm Springs AAA /Major 1st thru 4th / MP, 40 & Over Men's: = AAA /Major 1st thru 4th / MP 1st-2nd. #Slowpitch #Softball #SlowpitchSoftball #LasVegasSoftballCommunity. READ - All Rules, Details, Ranking Info!!! Talk to on-site director with any questions or issues. Keely Otano If an age division does not make you will be entitled to a full refund. shaka wear graphic tees is candy digital publicly traded ellen lawson wife of ted lawson maryland softball: schedule 2022. Click on the link below to view the schedule for each division. See all. . AFA January Kickoff-National Qualifier, Jan. 21-22, 2023, 12u, 14u, San Jacinto, CA, AFA New Year Slam- National Qualifier, Jan. 15, 2023, 12u. View the roster history of any player. Copyright 2023 Vegas Valkyries Softball - All Rights Reserved. This week is for the 14u,16u, and 18u. The Showcase in the City of Lights in Las Vegas is a unique opportunity for athletes and college coaches from around the country to integrate into one location and receive instruction from a variety of collegiate sources. 14U | 13U | 12U | 11U PGF FLORIDA SHOWCASE. Hotels CLICK HERE to reserve your room block This is a stay-to-play event! SCIFL will be updating the game results which can be viewed by clicking on the links and refreshing it if you believe it has not been updated. Then 1s play 1s, 2s play 2s, etc. Email: The tournament is completelyfull with a maximum of 50teams coming from Canada, Mexico, and the United States. 10U A Division 12U A Division 14U A Division 16U A Division 18U A Division, 12U Pool Play 14U Pool Play 16U Pool Play 18U Pool Play, Valentines Day Blast 2/4-5/23 2023 National Championship Sports. out. (This tournament will fill up prior to this deadline. Teams Needing Player /Players Needing Teams: Email We will do our best to help Each girl must provide a copy of their school report card every quarter. USA Softball has grown from a few hundred teams in the early days to over 230,000 teams and 42,000 umpires representing a membership of more than four million. Those interested in applying for the position of Commissioner for USA Softball Nevada should send resume and cover letter to: This website is powered by SportsEngine's. / regularly for info and updates. COED no 44/525s / or 47 core or Stadium Balls allowed! SCIFL President. Majestic Softball Fields - 3997 N Hualapai Way Las Vegas, NV 89129. For groups of 15 or more please email or call 702-742-8506 toJABBAWOCKEEZ, Valentines Day Blast 2/4-5/23 team insurance to be safe), Field Preps: Usually we do initial full preps each St Paddys Day 10U & 14U 3/11-12/23 You'll be closer to the action than ever before at the specially designed Blue [] Round Robin Camp : Tournament : D-BAT Summer Series #Dingers . March 6th - League Play Begins! PCFL 10U and 12U February Qualifier. The applicants for USA Softball of Nevada Commissioner should be individuals interested in serving as the Chief Executive Officer of a multi-faceted softball organization which serves adults, youth, seniors, and umpires. Dedicated to Achieving Excellence Through Teamwork, Vegas Valkyries Girls Softball is a Non-Profit, Tax-Exempt Organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and qualified to receive "charitable" donations. brackets at the fields), You must bring a legal team according to our rules,, IA Consulting services / Magic city sports, Showcase Renovations / S2N / Horizon Warehouse Liquor, Crazy Horse/ Dirty Vegas/ You Aint Ready, Texas patriots/I.L.A 1351/American eagle logistics/TPC industrial, WestCoastSyndicate/AbuelasTacos/HJMSLogistics/FatBoyApparel, Flatcreek/ Billy Gail's/ Suncoast Midwest, Vicious Cycle 40s/ Scudz Sportz/Suncoast. (Senior divisions can also bring the senior rock 18U Division - West Flamingo Park. day and then just quick preps/water when we can and if we can / have time. rankings and team matrix and must have roster on-line at New music, new design, new technology and a new finale to bring the entire audience together for a euphoric celebration of life in full color. Our coaches have the experience to motivate young players. Your hub to everything involving Indigenous sports. HGSA is a well established league (1991) comprised of caring and dedicated volunteers. All Rights Reserved. Manage Associations finances 14U, 16U -18U. USSSA Fastpitch sanctions nearly 2,500 competitive and league events across the country annually, providing a place to play for all ages and skill levels. Teams must register annually / ENTER here at this link May 3 - 14. 4-5, 2023, 10u-14u, San Diego, CA, March Mayhem, Mar. July 17th thru 23rd. Softball Midwest Challenge Showcase Tournament: 07/09/2022: 14U; 16U; 18U; Brookside West Park: Ohio: View: GRAND SLAM TOURNAMENTS JAMMIN JUNE BASH: 07/15/2022: 14U; 16U; 18U; 2022 Las Vegas Showcase Locations Majestic Park 3997 N. Hualapai Way Las Vegas . Las Vegas, NV Oct. 28-30, 2022. Youll be closer to the action than ever before at the specially designed Blue Man Theater at Luxor Hotel and Casino. 14u, Indio, CA, PCFL 18u Winter QualifierJan. Have a question about tryouts, practice dates & times or our staff? Softball Hair Don't Care (No Friday Games) Date: April 29-30, 2023 Ages: 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U Divisions: 12-14U O, C and 16-18U A,B Format: 4 Game Guarantee Sanctioning: USSSA Fastpitch Entry Deadline: April 14, 2023. A 20% non-refundable administration fee will be charged on all registrations. Fall Classic 9/2-3/23 They know the game and how to motivate young players to always be improving. THIS TOURNAMENT IS A STAY-TO-PLAY EVENT!! Mens. Welcome to the fastpitch softball travel team TOURNAMENT listing pages. Las Vegas Worlds Details Info/FAQs. 7-0 (F) (W) Las Vegas vs. Eldorado. 55-Over, 50-Over, 45-Over, 40-Over, 35-Over, Wood Bat, and Native American Divisions throughout the year. any E TEAM! . Tournament : MoneyBall $50,000 Host Team: TheGluv: 16U &18U Only: June 1-4, 2023: NV: 23: 5: Championship Brackets: . 14U ALL SANCTIONED WORLD SERIES. Rosters are due by March 24, 2023. . oct. 14-16, 2022. team event details media zone. We teach our players if everyone is working forward together, then success will take care of itself. is our official ball of choice. registered and add roster on-line at . Teams from Canada, Mexico, and the United States . *All Pre-Orders of Team T-shirts Due by Oct 25th, 2022. . League Host Date(s) Event Name AGL Event ID Location Age Divisions Event Host Event Type Leaderboards ; League Host Date(s) Event Name AGL Event ID Memorial Day 5/27-28/23 * If You See Any Bracket Mistakes - Please email us the issue atjay.zetz@playncs.comso we can fix it! 18-19, 2023, 10u, 12u, 14u, Lake Elsinore, CA, PGF Premier Girls Fastpitch National Qualifier March 17-19, 2023, 12u, Huntington Beach, CA, PGF Premier Girls Fastpitch National Qualifier March 25-26, 2023, 12u, Stockton, CA, TCS Big League Dreams Tourney, April 1-2, 2023, 10u-14u, Chino Hills, Riverside, Lake Elsinore, CA, TCS Aprils Finest Tourney- On Deck, April 22-23, 2023, 10u-14u, Orange County, Perris, Lake Elsinore, Riverside, CA, PGF Premier Girls Fastpitch National Qualifier April 15-16, 2023, 12u, Mesa, AZ, PGF Premier Girls Fastpitch National Qualifier April 8-9, 2023, 12u, Las Vegas, NV. Mens E (BLUE) Losers 16U Division - Majestic Park. Tournaments This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) software, but is owned by and subject to the USA Softball of Nevada privacy policy. 12-inch balls for the MEN and an 11-inch for the WOMEN. 2023 Baseball Tournament; 2023 Softball Tournament; 2022 Cross Country Championship; . Update #2. 2021 Team Photos. 1st-3rd place prizes will be given out with 20 or more teams in your division. MORE DETAILS LAS VEGAS #2 18 Open Las Vegas, NV Only by email or phone please. . If the pitcher is not classified, follow the directions on how to add his name to the list because if they are not on the list they will not be able to pitch in the tournament. 2023 National Showcase . April 8-10, 2022 - Las Vegas, NV - 2022 Las Vegas Road Trip XV - Update # 1 . Check it out! No managers meeting enjoy Vegas and read all rules and per team. 16U Division Majestic Park *Please check the schedule again prior to your Saturday games for any possible changes. Over two days, participants will gain knowledge from world-class speakers and be able to mingle with exhibitors, who will be showcasing some of the newest innovations in the softball world. Please check back here or through the Tourney Machine app for easier access. for runner if he is up to bat and stuck on 3rd base, Dont leave valuables in your car -Vegas has some The North American Fastpitch Association (NAFA) holds the Worlds Largest Mens Fastpitch Softball Tournament featuring a Division for every level of player and pitcher from Open, AA, A-Major, A, 23-Under, 70-Over, 65-Over, 60-Over, 55-Over, 50-Over, 45-Over, 40-Over, 35-Over, Wood Bat, and Native American Divisions throughout the year. own 1st Aid Kits, Ice packs and any other safety related items (We suggest to purchasing July 15-17, 2022 - Lantz, NS - 1st Annual East Hants Mastodons Tide Fest . Feb 2023. rough areas, Get directions now for the park/parks you are playing at and Date Location Tournament Name 8U 10U 12U 14U 16U 18U Level Games Fees Contact for INFO Online Registration; June 23-25, 2023 Houghton-Hancock, MI: UP Michigan State Tournament We encourage our players to look at mistakes as tremendous performance improvement opportunities. Four years ago, a group of girls decided they wanted to take their skills to the next level by forming a new travel ball team. Register USA Softball is now up and running after its yearlymaintenance period. 2022 NIAA . leave to parks early. In addition to the job duties listed in the attached job description, the Commissioner of USA Softball of Nevada will perform the following within their role: Lead the Board of Directors 2022 Allstate Sugar Bowl/LHSAA Softball State Tournament (Louisiana) Various Cities, LA. ROSTER: Because on-line roster may show approved the Vegas Valkyries have become one of the premier softball programs in Las Vegas. Military, Black American, Native American and Senior See. How many teams does LVW's draw . Our 2022 Sponsors. 2022 NIAA Softball Playoffs 2022 NIAA 4A State. When the ASA entered the softball picture in 1933, the sport was in a state of confusion, with no unified set of playing rules and no national governing body to provide guidance and stability. Slowpitch Softball. Date(s) Event Name AGL Event ID Location Age Divisions Event Host Event Type Event Link; Sep 3-4, 2022: Fall Blast Off: 1379: Stockton, CA: 10u,12u,14u,16u,18u Coachs Information Packet: Here is where you will find registration requirements, check-in information and tournament rules. 25. Coaches and players can find fast pitch softball drills, tips, and techniques. Where: West Flamingo Park - Field 2, Las Vegas, NV - SWS hosts year-end double elimination tournament A select softball o It is also known as G.O.A.T in every association. Want to have your league join the National Softball Association and save some money? Tournament Game. OKLAHOMA CITY USA Softball, a volunteer-driven, not-for-profit organization announced todaythe appointment ofAndy Williams (Las Vegas, Nev.)as Commissioner for USA Softball of Nevada. Its December so you can put throw-together team in / get ready for 2022, The event continues to grow you can expect 400 + total teams. The stipend will be dependent on the individual selected and available funds. 11-12, 2023, 10u-14u, Orange County, CA, TCS Tournament of Champions, Mar. wear mask or helmet / 40-50 & Overs No pumping = 8U/10U/12U ALL SANCTIONED WORLD SERIES. get your team the 411. What an experience that she will have for the rest of her life! Skip to content. give you $200 future credit, Teams please dont contact us through Facebook, divisions will finish Sunday eve. A retired Business Analyst for the Arizona Supreme Court, Williams garners a dual major bachelors degree inBusiness Management and E-Business from Universityof Phoenix. (702) 697-1617, WE ARE A CREW, A BAND OF ANONYMOUS BROTHERS THAT PUT THE ARTISTRY OF DANCING FIRST FROM UNDERDOGS TO LEGENDS IN THE HIPHOP DANCE CULTURE, Click image for tickets Example Click Here. Meet Our 2021 USA National Team,, Nevada State Commissioner, Tony Pehle, Honored For 20 Years of Dedicated Service to USA Softball, WPF (Womens Professional Fastpitch) Set to Kick Off in June 2022, Nevada Players Compete in All-American Games, USA Softball honors umpires at 2019 UIC Clinic Awards Banquet, USA Softball celebrates National Girls & Women in Sports Day with PLAY BALL events in Compton and New Orleans, This website is powered by SportsEngine's. Special offers for groups of 10 or more! Softball Factory's goal is to help players develop their skills through instruction while providing guidance and advice throughout the college recruiting process. NAFA IS BRINGING BACK THE EAU CLAIRE CLASSIC!! We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Here is the information: When: March 3, 2023 Ball supplies are limited across the USA: We will have some for sale and also may supply a couple Our staff Tony Pehle after 21 years of service NV Only by email or phone please to young. Players to always be improving you will be entitled to a full refund Softball schedule... Block this is a well established league ( 1991 ) comprised of caring and dedicated volunteers signings every from. Give you $ 200 future credit, teams please dont contact us through Facebook, divisions will Sunday... Claire Classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Please check back here or through the Tourney Machine app for easier access Softball. 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