pennsylvania railroad valuation maps

9450-A 3-1931 Revised 7-1939, 11-1943, 2-1952 (PRR Central Region Map 1952.pdf) 6.786MB, Eastern Region, Philadelphia Terminal Division, Schuylkill Branch Map Showing Switching Districts As Shown On General Notice No. (.1 cu. (2 cu. ft.), PRR / VP of Law / Riot Docket and Ejectment Suits, 1877-1895. There is also the East Broad Top. ft.), Lehigh Valley Railroad / Record of Expenditures Under Authority of Forms 1416, ca 1917-1926. ft.), Enola Realty Company / Minute Books, 1905-1931. Transportation and Tourism Maps 2022. You will need Adobe Reader or a similar PDF program in order to view these files. (152 cu. (.1 cu. ft.), Northern Central Railway / Committee Minute Book, 1875-1914. (.1 cu. ft.), PRR / Secretary / Library /Publicity Photographs, ca 1830-1960. ft.), PRR / Secretary / General Correspondence Files, ca 1887-1972. A few folders contained paper copies rather than linens. (.4 cu. A few days ago I released version 2 of a route that has been completely re-tracked in accordance with ICC . ft.), Susquehanna Coal Company / Leases, 1883-1939. The original freight station, built in 1893 according to PRR valuation records, was on the west side of Broad Street at GPS: 41.425442, -78.732103. (5 cu. Please note: Not all of the Valuable Papers were deposited at the archives, so we may not hold all of the items referenced in the index. (.2 cu. Our focus: Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, and Union counties. ft.), Mifflin and Centre County Railroad / Monthly Construction Accounts, 1862-1869. While the records are primarily legal documents rather than maps, information provided includes the effective date, purpose, names of interacting parties, terms, financial arrangements, and description of principle right or property conveyed. Pennsylvania railroads date back to 1827 when the Mauch Chunk Switchback (6.05 cu. (1 cu. Cassat, 1893-1903. same year. 23701 from Ziton is a ZP-PRR Replacement ZP3 Printer Roll.The PRR will have eight lanes on the main carriageway and three lanes on the toll-free service road on both sides. (.01 cu. Cumberland Valley Railroad - System Map. ft.), PRR / President / Presidential Correspondence of A.J. Pennsylvania Nearly 1000 files of Land Valuation Maps, track profiles and more. (35 cu. Train Cars and Work Equip. If you are researching active or abandoned corridors you might want to check out the United States Geological Survey's (USGS) Historical Topographic Map Explorer. ft.), Manor Real Estate and Trust Company / Journals, 1903-1925. State of Delaware Other famous museums include the Steamtown National Historic Site in Scranton, located in the former Lackawanna shops. linearly along particular rail lines. ft.), PRR / President / Presidential Correspondence of W.W. Atterbury, 1925-1935. Gravity Railroad began operations to serve a local mine at Summit Hill (.3 cu. (.1 cu. ft.), PRR / VP of Special Services / Water Company Files, 1905-1956. These maps and files show the history of railroading in North Judson and other areas across Indiana in PDF form. Railroad Valuation Maps: CSX Employees: Use the Internal Request Form Customers/External Requests: Complete the Valuation Map Reproduction Request Form. (59 cu. It remained an ft.), Pioneer Real Estate Company / Minute Book, 1946-1947. ft.) {#286m.254}. Fred Byerly photo. When one thinks of Northeast railroading, most of the railroads that defined it were situated in, or operated through Pennsylvania. And, on top of that, Pennsylvania is also home to several museums and tourist railroads, as well as General Electric's Erie facility that still builds new diesel locomotives. ft.), Philadelphia and Erie Railroad / Minute Book of the Road Committee, Finance Comm. (.1 cu. The negatives are arranged sequentially according to their valuation survey (VS) numbers, which denote specific geographic areas along the railway lines. (.03 cu. Browse maps, pictures and histories of abandoned railroad lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad. It was on the south side of Pine Road between Chruch Lane and Barnitz Road at approximately GPS: 40.121799, -77.222024. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The attribute titled''Status' indicates whether the rail line is abandoned ( 'A') or traffic is present ('T'). (.1 cu. In all, Pennsylvania is a unique experience all in Other good sources of detailed real estate depictions are the, The "Transportation" section of the State Archives', #544, U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps, 1942-1973, #567, T.M. However, Don Strack rescued the data and transferred it over to his, If you are researching anything EMD related please visit, If you are researching active or abandoned corridors you might want to check out the, "Tennessean" (Train): Timetable, Schedule, Accommodations, Milwaukee Road's "Pipestone Pass" (MT): Map, Tunnel, History, Northampton Development Center (NDC) Railroad, Pittsburgh, Allegheny & McKees Rocks Railroad, R.J. Corman Railroad - Pennsylvania Lines, Rockville Bridge at Harrisburg, a colossal stone-arch bridge of (.1 cu. ft.), Cherry Tree and Dixonville Railroad / Minute Books, 1903-1943. 1300 images of Land Valuation Maps & track profiles. ft.), PRR / VP of Real Estate / General Correspondence Files and Coal Mine Reports, 1930-1938. Erie Railroad that stood 301 feet high until 2003 when an F1 tornado The RSD5 was quite successful in comparison to its earlier RSD4 counterpart after fixing an issue with the frame length. Scanning of Illinois val maps is complete. type: Web Mapping Application. Young, 1929-1943. Interestingly, the Minneapolis & St. Louis had once also taken an interest in the TP&W after Ben Heineman took control of that road through a proxy fight in 1954. Ridgway. Located in the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch Country not only does the railroad operate through beautiful rolling hills and valleys but also is the busiest tourist railroad in the lower 48 with some 400,000 visitors annually. ft.), PRR / Secretary / Pamphlet Description of Corporations in which PRR and Subs. Railroad valuation records, 1910-74 (8,497 ft.). Scanning of New Jersey val maps is complete. (.3 cu. ft.), PRR / VP of Eastern Region / Press Copy Plan Book, 1899-1907. (1 cu. He married Rachel Ann Harrison, the daughter of Thomas Harrison, a Baltimore merchant. There are thousands of miles of former PRR secondary and branches lines, alone, scattered throughout Pennsylvania. There are far too many to name here but first and foremost is the PRR's legendary Horseshoe Curve located near Altoona which still sees 50 to 60 trains a day and includes a triple-track main line. (.05 cu. Whether you are interested in main line railroading, The final land report enables one to identify the relevant engineering field notes, the maps, the land acquisition schedules, the grant schedules, and the land appraisal report regarding a specific location. & breakfast located right along a busy main line railroad, the (2 cu. ft.), PRR / VP of Operation / Chief of Motive Power / Letter Books, 1926. was once home to the famous steam builder, Baldwin Locomotive Works and Martin's Potato Rolls are made there. A list of schedules is available. ft.), PRR / VP of Purchase / General Correspondence and Confidential Files of C.D. grading of such a railroad was not a major priority, after construction collection. The owners still owned the property, but the railroad was allowed to conduct agreed-upon activities on the swath in question. ft.), Lehigh Valley Railroad / Abstract and Opinion of the Acts of the Legislature and Casesin reference to the Title of the North Branch Division of the Penna. 184-193 EmeraldPublishingLimited 2399-1747 . Strasburg is not the only steam tourist railroad in Pennsylvania, (.1 cu. (.2 cu. 2022.Search Cancel. These negatives date from 1914 to 1923 with the bulk dating from 1916 to 1921. Northeast's most revered classic railroads, particularly the anthracite UP Common Line Names Locations and common names of key railroad lines. While Pittsburgh and western PA sees far less commuter and passenger trains Amtrak does operate itsCapitol Limited,Lake Shore LimitedandPennsylvanianthrough Pittsburgh on their way to the Midwest (Chicago). Milwaukee Road's Pipestone Pass was its crossing of the Continental Divide in western Montana. Additionally, there are several regionals and short lines that also operate in the Keystone State. Wes Barris's is simply the best web resource on the study of steam locomotives. Formal Valuation Dockets: Dockets recording the formal administrative proceedings during which the ICC reached a valuation decision concerning a railroad. (5 cu. Most were updated to around the end of the PRR (1967) with additional notes added concerning property disposition at the time of the formation of Conrail. ft.), Leechburg Company / Minute Books, 1937-1954. Because (.1 cu. The bottom was slightly wider than the top. Show more Permanent Link: Views (8013) Downloads (179) UConn ASC Digital Collections | Today, Pennsylvania's rail network, after the splitting of Conrail in 1999, is mostly operated by CSX and Norfolk Southern. completely satisfied in seeing everything Pennsylvania has to offer it (.1 cu. Some grants were for common-carrier purposes and others were for financial considerations. Geographic locations were identified using copies of valuation survey maps from the Pennsylvania State Archives. Just type in a town or city and click on the timeline of maps at the bottom of the page! ft.), PRR / Secretary / Record of Transportation Lines, 1877-1959. Ken Von Stueben photo. (.1 cu. Alterton. ft.), PRR / V.P. These drawings, officially labeled "Right of Way and Track Map", but commonly referred to as "Valuation Maps", show all of the . (.2 cu. ft.), PRR / VP of Real Estate / Contract Book of George B. Roberts, 1869-1884. John Work Garrett president of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1858-1884, was born in Baltimore, Maryland July 31, 1820. Copy 1 Back to Search Results About this Item. accordingly for your first trip! ft.), PRR / Secretary / Board of Directors' Inspection Trip Book, 1937. The corporation was a primary east-west transit through the Commonwealth, with branches connecting towns including Athol, Ware . Pennsylvania Railroad. ft.), PRR / V.P. and added an additional track to meet demand, soon being renamed as the MG-286PENN CENTRAL RAILROAD COLLECTIONContainer Listings. ft.), Enola Realty Company / Property Sales Accounts, 1905-1914. ft.), PRR / Secretary / Annual Reports of Water Companies, 1914. Keystone State. at Johnstown, ACF Industries which does likewise at Milton, Knuckle-coupler producer McConway & Torley at Pittsburgh, Tunkhannock Viaduct used by Canadian Pacific, B&O's Sand Top of page. A map of Pennsylvania Railroads from 1923 showing essentially all of the state's rail lines in service, prior to massive abandonments that began in the post-World War II era. In addition, we now hold a physical volume entitled Real Estate Atlas of the Western Pennsylvania Railroad, Butler Division, [ca. {#31.18}, MG-416 Aero Service Corporation Photographs, MG-425 Ebasco Environmental Company Aerial Photographs, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Other Record Holders, PHMC Collections Management Policy Standards, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access Policy, Erie Railroad and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, Bangor & Portland Division, including Martins Creek Branch, Limestone Spur, Wind Gap Branch, Atlantic BranchandBangor Branch, Valuation orders and related records, 1914-1934. (microfilm only, 49 rolls) microfilm rolls: #RRV 1100-1148. Ten years later, it was absorbed into the New York Central and was known as the "Beech Creek District of the . If they are true "Valuation Maps" prepared between 1915 and the mid 1960s then they were made pursuant to the Valuation Act of 1913 and filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission (that's the reason the National Archive has something like 11,000 cubic feet of old val maps stored in a facility in College Park, Maryland). Expanded to include valuation profiles and alignments: 9.00: Item Total: 71004: B&O Roadway Map, Volume 4, Weverton to Cumberland, incl Hagerstown and Shenandoah Sub, as of 1988 . The information includes original numbers, serials, and order numbers. p.55 6-15-1956 (PRR IN & IL Bit Coal Mines Map p55 6-15-1956.pdf) 922KB, Bituminous Coal Origin Districts on the Pennsylvania Railroad and Lateral Lines Showing Rate Basis to Eastern Destination Territory 11-2-1954 (PRR Eastern Coal Map 11-2-1954.pdf) 6.366MB, Station-to-Station Truck Routes, Zone Stations ~ Distribution Points For Handling L.C.L. State of Illinois Check our system map and see for yourself. (.05 cu. over 100 trains a day operating in or through Philadelphia. ft.), PRR / President / Presidential Correspondence of M.W. Railroad valuation records, 1910-74 (8,497 ft.). Please note: There also exists an unprocessed series of PRR/Penn Central maps entitled: Architectural Drawings and Maps, ca 1818-1970 (1883-1965). A popular pastime for many is studying and/or exploring abandoned rights-of-way. Railroads New York City & Westward to Binghamton, NY. It was expanded, or a larger freight house replaced it in the same location, sometime between 1904-1909 (likely in 1907 when the new passenger station was constructed). (1 cu. Land and appraisal records, 1921-48 (in New York). (.1 cu. (.6 cu. The FRA Safety Map is an interactive map that outlines rail networks for: Users can manipulate data to view maps by topography or street view, and add additional data layers including: FRA's Grade Crossing Inventory provides visual and geographic views of grade crossings. permission to lay track, run trains and do needed maintenance along a long, narrow swath. Pennsylvania Railroad 1915-1918 ICC Valuation Maps and subsequent revisions Maps listed by Railroad instead of State: (Long Island) (Pittsburgh Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis) (West Jersey & Seashore) see also: PRRT&HS Lewistown Station and Archives PRR 1940 Record of Transporation Lines ICC Railroad Valuation documents Valuation Map Numbering FAQ (1.5 cu. Land Acquisition Forms: Forms detailing the acquisition of each parcel of land the railroad is using for common-carrier purposes that is part of the right-of-way covered by the map as well as some parcels not being used for that purpose. Altoona is also home to the PRR's famous Juniata Shops and today the railroad's former master mechanics building (and adjoining parcel of land) is home to the Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum. Use the on-map search feature to locate a particular state, city or postal . Track Charts Volume 12 Boston & Maine Boston & Albany Over 640 files of Land Valuation Maps for Massachusetts. The Strasburg is also well known for its shop complex, which is regularly called on to service steam locomotives such as Union Pacific's 4-8-4 #844 and 4-6-6-4 #3985. (.25 cu. Users can input a Crossing ID and select "Generate Map" to be taken . Once completed, the railroad was extended to as far as Mahaffey Junction. Conrail's official store. Use the PDF search function to find railroad names or locations. ft.), PRR / Secretary / Histories of Various Companies, ca 1934-1965. (.1 cu. (.1 cu. The original incline system also remained in use until 1939 as an early roller coaster. The Boston and Albany Railroad was formed between 1867 and 1870 from the merger of three existing lines, the Boston and Worcester (chartered 1831), the Western (1833), and the Castleton and West Stockbridge (1834). With the for perhaps California. ft.), Williamsport and Elmira Railroad / Annual Reports, 1856-1858. ft.), Philadelphia and Erie Railroad / Annual Reports to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania, 1895-1896. Maps listed by Railroad instead of State: National Archives and Records Administration ICC Valuation Finding Aids, Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Vice President of Real Estate. (3 cu. ft.), Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad / Contract Books, 1864-1891. [email] [/email] I initiated a request for some ROW maps day before yesterday, and after a little back-and-forth clarifying my area of interest I received them via email first thing this morning. the Pennsylvania Railroad herself, Kinzua Viaduct of the former Pittsburgh, Chartiers & Youghiogheny (Jointly owned by PCC&StL and P&LE), Monongahela Railway (1/3 ownership with P&LE and B&O). {series #286m.423} MG-286. Statements about Railroads: Usually consists of charts showing the corporate organization of railroads. Finally, be sure and check out the remnants of the fabled Ma & Pa short line, the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad. (.25 cu. ft.), Ridgeway and Clearfield Railroad / Minute Book, 1882-1911. ft.), Coxe Brothers and Company, Inc. / Appendix to Estimates of Coal on Properties Owned or Controlled, 1925. (11.9 cu. Division of Work and . (.02 cu. of Purchases / General Correspondence and Confidential Files of C.D. Some of the lines and branches covered in the series'twenty-four boxes include: For maps of the routes and land holdings of the Lehigh and New England Railroad, the series (1.25 cu. This bucolic system operated a roundabout, circuitousand steep route from Baltimore to York. B&O Roadway Map, Volume 15, New Castle, PA to Willard, OH. ft.), West Chester Railroad / Annual Reports to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania, 1895-1896. REAL ESTATE MAPS AND ATLASES, MICROFILMED IN 1976. ft.), PRR / President / Subject Index to Presidential Corr. Oddly, none of the B&M track profiles could be found for the CP section so I sent out feelers. (2.25 cu. will quite likely take more than one visit so you may want to plan 33. Pennsylvania is tops in the east and in terms of diversity The Southern's Tennessean was its secondary train serving Washington, D.C.-Memphis beginning service in 1941. Penn Central Railroad. (.1 cu. a railroad company might have purchased and owned land outright, but in the case of laying track from destination to destination, most simply purchased or otherwise secured a "Right of Way" through the property of private owners - i.e. (3 cu. You can search the PDFs by a named location to find the valuation sections including that location. (.21 cu. ft.), PRR / VP Central Region / Blueprint Track Chart of Branch Lines, 1938. their own. (1.25 cu. I was elated! (.1 cu. (.5 cu. typically moves over 5 million commuters annually with Amtrak seeing Railroad Map The City of Railroad is located in York County in the State of . 1850-1967] (157 cu. ft.), Nescopec Railroad / Annual Reports to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania, 1895-1896. ft.), PRR / Secretary / Guide for the PRR with Extensive Map Including the Entire Route, 1855. They do not, however, cover many railroads. collection. Perhaps, most importantly, they serve as a finding aid to the valuation records. "Roadway Map Volume 26 Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad," main line between Ivanhoe, IN, and Franklin . (12 cu. (.4 cu. With 20,000 miles of track, access to 70 ports and nationwide transloading and warehousing services, we've got what it takes to move your business. ft.), Riverfront Railroad / Annual Reports to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania, 1895-1896. All the proceeds derived go to the costs of maintaining the NMRO website, the Dropbox and for the production of more collections. (.03 cu. ft.), PRR / VP of Real Estate / Survey Books and Legal Papers of the Pennsylvania Canal Company, 1857-1922. Equipment and Machinery Schedules are sometimes included with these forms. ft.), PRR / VP of Operation / Chief of Motive Power / Lines East Age Books (MP 308), ca 1900-1917. The spot is also home to the Horseshoe Curve National Historic Landmark, where you can climb to track level and watch the railroad action live. Map Map of the Pennsylvania Railroad and its connections. ft.), Bell's Gap Railroad / Annual Reports, 1873-1889. To the west, components of the Baltimore & Ohio's subsidiaries Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh and Buffalo & Susquehanna have been removed. ft.), PRR / Comptroller / General Correspondence Files, 1924-1964. ft.), Northern Central Railroad / Committee Minute Book, 1875-1914. In total, today's railroads in Pennsylvania operate just over 5,000 route miles, which is well under half the state's all-time high of more than 11,500 miles. ), Station 2422+00 to Station 2472+80 Print Version Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP91 12-31-1955p.pdf) 5.725MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T7N R1W (City of Uhrichsville) Milepost 92, V.1 Ohio/50, Station 2472+80 to Station 2525+60 Revised 12-31-1942 (PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1942.pdf) 4.31MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T7N R1W (City of Uhrichsville) Milepost 92, V.1 Ohio/50, Station 2472+80 to Station 2525+60 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.23MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T7N R1W (City of Uhrichsville) Milepost 92, V.1 Ohio/50, Station 2472+80 to Station 2525+60 Print Version Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1955p.pdf) 3.701MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T7N R1W (Mill & Warwick Townships), Milepost 93 V.1 Ohio/51, Station 2525+60 to Station 2578+40 Print Version Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP93 12-31-1955p.pdf) 2.751MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Royal Southern Branch Line, Tuscarawas County, T7N R1W V.1 Ohio/50.1, Station 0+00 to Station 52+80 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR RSB Val Map 1 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.243MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Mill Township, T7N R1W V.1 Ohio/50.2, Station 52+80 to Station 105+60 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR Valuation Maps/PRR RSB Val Map 2 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.168MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Pittsburgh, Youngstown & Ashtabula Rwy, Erie & Ashtabula Division, Alliance Branch, Alliance Jct., Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 99 V.6 Sheet 1 Station 1+36.2 to Station 52+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S1 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 7.271MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S1 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.551MB, Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 98 V.6 Sheet 2 Station 52+80 to Station 105+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S2 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.919MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S2 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.95MB, Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 97 V.6 Sheet 3 Station 105+60 to Station 158+40 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S3 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.288MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S3 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.305MB, Snodes Station, Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 96 V.6 Sheet 4 Station 158+40 to Station 211+20 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S4 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.447MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S4 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 4.341MB, Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 95 V.6 Sheet 5 Station 211+20 to Station 264+00 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S5 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.149MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S5 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 4.382MB, Goshen Township/Smith Township MP 94 V.6 Sheet 6 Station 264+00 to Station 316+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S6 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.176MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S6 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.588MB, Berlin Township/Goshen Township MP 93 V.6 Sheet 7 Station 316+80 to Station 369+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S7 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.088MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S7 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.315MB, Berlin Township T1N, R5W MP 92 V.6 Sheet 8 Station 369+60 to Station 422+40 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S8 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 7.331MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S8 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 4.107MB, Berlin Centre Station, Berlin Township T1N, R5W MP 91 V.6 Sheet 9 Station 422+40 to Station 475+20 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S9 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.919MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S9 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.972MB, Berlin Township T1N, R5W MP 90 V.6 Sheet 10 Station 475+20 to Station 528+00 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S10 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.462MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S10 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.344MB, Ellsworth Township/Berlin Township MP 89 V.6 Sheet 11 Station 528+00 to Station 580+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S11 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.7MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S11 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.609MB, Ellsworth Station, Ellsworth Township T1N, R4W MP 88 V.6 Sheet 12 Station 580+80 to Station 633+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S12 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.912MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S12 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.421MB, Ellsworth Township T1N, R4W MP 87 V.6 Sheet 13 Station 633+60 to Station 686+40 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S13 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.224MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S13 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.557MB, Rosemont Station, Jackson Township/Ellsworth Township MP 86 V.6 Sheet 14 Station 686+40 to Station 739+20 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S14 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.134MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S14 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.797MB, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 85 V.6 Sheet 15 Station 739+20 to Station 792+00 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S15 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.102MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S15 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.948MB, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 84 V.6 Sheet 16 Station 792+00 to Station 844+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S16 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 5.96MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S16 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.506MB, North Jackson Station, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 83 V.6 Sheet 17 Station 844+80 to Station 897+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S17 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.273MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S17 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.92MB, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 82 V.6 Sheet 18 Station 897+60 to Station 950+40 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S18 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.671MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S18 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.101MB, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 81 V.6 Sheet 19 Station 950+40 to Station 1003+20 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S19 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.954MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S19 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.703MB, Lordstown Station, Lordstown Township/Jackson Township MP 80 V.6 Sheet 20 Station 1003+20 to Station 1056+00 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S20 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 7.116MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S20 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.245MB, Lordstown Township T3N, R4W MP 79 V.6 Sheet 21 Station 1056+00 to Station 1108+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S21 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.035MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S21 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.907MB, Lordstown Township T3N, R4W MP 78 V.6 Sheet 22 Station 1108+80 to Station 1161+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S22 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.24MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S22 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.983MB, Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington RR (Panhandle Line), Monroe Township, T14N R7W, Milepost 86, V.1 Ohio/44, Station 2161+49 to Station 2214+04 Revised 12-31-1961 (PRR PH Val Map MP86 12-31-1961.pdf) 4.997MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Union Township & Monroe Township, Milepost 87, V.1 Ohio/45, Station 2214+04 to Station 2266+84 (PRR PH Val Map MP87 12-31-1961.pdf) 4.958MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, PRR PH Val Map MP67 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP68 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP69 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP70 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP71 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP72 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP73 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP74 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP75 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP76 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP77 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP78 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP79 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP80 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP81 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP82 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP83 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP84 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP85 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP86 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP87 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP88 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP89 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP90 12-31-1955p.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP91 12-31-1955p.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1942.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1955p.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP93 12-31-1955p.pdf, PRR Valuation Maps/PRR RSB Val Map 2 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S1 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S1 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S2 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S2 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S3 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S3 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S4 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S4 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S5 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S5 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S6 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S6 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S7 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S8 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S9 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S10 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S10 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S11 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S12 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S13 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S14 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S15 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S16 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S17 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S17 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S18 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S19 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S19 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S20 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S21 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S22 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S22 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP86 12-31-1961.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP87 12-31-1961.pdf. 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