mars mars compatibility tumblr

When we get together with someone our energy designs (our charts) interact. My bests were definitely; Pisces sun + Scorpio mars, Gemini sun + Virgo mars, and (my current partner) Leo sun + Libra mars! Here is the data I collected. I've noticed someone feels somehow more attractive when embodying the sign characteristics opposite to their natal venus. And i say this LOUDLY. (Many of them also have Libra & Scorpio mix in their charts). Libra Rising culture is thick eyeliner, curly hair and overlined lips. Get really grouchy sometimes. Below are the placements of the current presidential candidates. Cancer Mars/Mars in the 4th/Mars on 4, 14 & 28, makes people incredibly misunderstood, they feel comfortable to close-off when problems arise and never actually talk about their emotional turmoil which makes them somehow unaccessible and emotionally unavailable to many people who only want to help. Your natal chart does not carve your personality or life into stone, and you (as a person) are not your natal chart. So, here are the signs that are most to least compatible for each sign (using the order: trine pairs, sextile pairs, same sign, sister sign, inconjunct, semisextile, and square): Of course, you cant just use sun sign-sun sign compatibility! Even if you and your crush or partner are incompatible astrologically, it does not mean you cannot have a happy, healthy relationship. They attempt to be open-minded toward everyone they meet, but they can also be coldly cruel and verbally vicious toward people who violate their personal code of ethics. You tend to be very organized, at least in your head if not in your physical surroundings. EX: Cancer Venus looks amazing when wearing earthy tones (Capricorn) and flattering dresses. Will put in as much work and dedication to get a job done as it takes, without a single word of complaint. But, while your decisions might seem spontaneous to others, you have thought them through thoroughly. I mentioned that the Moon sign will always be the initial reaction or defense mechanism. They get very attached to people, places, and pets. In astrology, the red planet governs your ambition and drive. Their convictions/beliefs are usually based on gut reactions rather than research. A square aspect also brings tension between the two But when you are in the bedroom with someone who you find genuinely attractive and you trust, you let your guard down and the two of you can connect on unexpected levels. (only one doesn't count on itself, but if you have multiple of them, CHEERS! The domain of Mars is that of "going after that which one desires". Mars square Mars synastry can be a crazy aspect. The elements are fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius; active, passionate signs), earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; hardworking, practical signs), air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; social, idealistic signs), and water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; emotional, intuitive signs). So look at the zodiac wheel below. They love being mysterious and provoke, they also feel more confident behaving like that, attraction is all they care. Semisextile and inconjunct pairs are tricky, but not as tricky as the square pairs. Each planet represents a different part of your essence. You are generally quite a private person and prefer to keep many things private and locked up. With Mars in Gemini you have a great energy for communication. the houses and the planets in the houses are based on the earths own They treat love like a performance art, which is why the courtship stage is their favorite part. Most of them have a deep appreciation for art and aesthetics even if they arent artistic themselves. Capricorn Moons/Moon in the 10th hate to be helped, they love to help but hate to receive help, they often follow the motto: "I'll figure it out alone". I was curious to see if there were any patterns in which astrological placements were most common in the 43 United States presidents so far. Each zodiac sign is designated a 30 portion of the celestial dome, and our natal chart shows where the celestial bodies are positioned in the dome. This isnt necessarily influenced by a persons sun sign (Mercury or moon would be preferred when seeing how a person solves problems and thinks) but this is a good little, general sample connecting politics to astrology. Very good with words, they speak and type compulsively and even if their grammar/punctuation is shit, the spirit of what they say is almost always worth reading or listening to. We use the lunar phases to give us vitality and vigor because they mark times when we are emotionally receptive to, Over the past month or so, you may have heard your astrologically-minded friends talking about the fabulously-named Black Moon Lilith. Funny and charming is their default state and they probably dont know how to turn it off. Also they feel more confident behaving like a boss-bit*h, acting all good, mysterious, composed and constructed rather than instantly being affectionate and warm. Gemini: May 22 - June 21. This is a good thing, as you prefer to do everything yourself and dont trust anyone else to do it the way that you would. You are highly organized and good at keeping on top of everything. Mars in Cancer: Extremely moody people, but they hide it fairly well. First off, I am going to give you the disclaimer that all astrology bloggers love to give: astrology does not dictate exactly how well people get along. Molly Hall. Reply. The good ones are worth giving it to because they mean well and have a generous loving heart, but the bad ones wont shut up about how great they are and go into a red-hot rage when they dont get what they want. In the natal astrological chart, Venus and Mars are the "go to" planets of love and relationship. Venus in Libra, Mars in Scorpio Your Venus is in an Air sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. Knows a lot of big words but rarely uses them, because they despise any form of pretentiousness. Aquarius. While you are quite talkative generally, you do tend to find dirty talk a turn-off. mars will spark fire in ics most vulnerable spots. When you are born under Mars in Virgo, you prefer to keep your true self to yourself. The earth signs are in this categories, and all these signs are feminine. As long as theyre comfortable around you, they should say yes. And imo it's absolutely true, especially in the Ascendant. Here is the key to the colors used: So you can see how much pattern exists within the zodiac wheel. James has Mars in Taurus, in the Tenth House. Belief is something they have in spades theyre drawn to mystical mumbo-jumbo and yoga routines. Mars in Libra: This is an odd place for Mars to settle in because these people get really stressed out and upset by conflict of any form. But if she meets someone that she likes, and they dont make the first move, she will be direct. Below is a table containing the name, rank, sun, moon, Mercury, rising, and midheaven signs of each president. sextile aspect. There can be a lot of friction between them and their children if they become parents, mostly because they have no idea how to give praise without turning it into a critique. (x) The colors given to each president is based on the quartile, rank-wise, of that president. It reflects your ambitiousness and approach to pursuing goals, how you assert and defend yourself, and also your primal sexuality. But you will also find yourself being able to see creative solutions to problems that may have been hounding you for months. A Venus-Mars conjunction in the natal chart can indicate a person who is seen by others as charismatic, assuming that person has successfully integrated Venus and Mars. Most people born in wealthy families have Pisces, Sagittarius Suns / Moons or Sun/Moon on Jupiter/Venus/Neptune/Sun Decans. Cancer is the Cardinal Water sign of the zodiac that's ruled by the Moon. Since the introduction of television, physical attractiveness and good appearance have been vital for presidents to be elected, and no rising sign encapsulates elegance, beauty, and grace as well as Libra. Mercury represents all the parts that "handle" the car, from the steering to the transmission. Your natal chart as a whole maps out how you express yourself, perceive reality, and interface with the world around you. Basically, theyre hippies~. The Sun is the entire car. For the sake of brevity, I am going to sum the zodiac signs up using a few keywords that define their traits. Rather than get angry in the moment, you are likely to stew on something. While you work hard towards your goal, you will never reach it, as with every step you imagine that an even better version of yourself is possible, and you keep pushing the goal post up. tax money), and therefore they are generally conservative people. They have the six-figure salary, but they are still driving the first car they ever bought. Many of them have literally the worst opinions on politics. While they do like to play games, they are scrupulously honest, and Scorpio and Virgo can form an us against the world bond. Bluntly, that must have taken real ambition. A trine brings strong harmony between those two planets. the 9th house (you can see the tiny number 9 towards the center of the Moon-Mars aspects can be rather difficult to deal with. They are the dreamers of the sun signs, and they are both creative. Even when they get emotional, some part of them will be detached and objectively analyzing the situation to understand it more fully. (x). Your temper is cold instead of hot. Sable - He would be ashamed. Cancer is the most common midheaven primarily because the most common midheaven for Libra risings is Cancer (being square from each other) however Cancers, like the crab, love to defend who and what they love, and theres no doubt their homeland can be included in those things to be defended. If nothing else, they certainly do put in a lot of effort for the people they care about, which they will aggressively guilt-trip you over when they want you to do something in return. That is, youre probably honest, carefree, and philosophical, though other placements in your chart can affect how these traits are presented. But this should not be mistaken for timidness, you are in fact very confident. Capricorn: December 22 - January 20. You are accepting of other people and dont snap to judge others based on their behavior. Here is my lesson video explaining the zodiac signs! Houses can be uneven They get very attached to people, places, and pets. Positive Keywords for Mars in Leo: Vibrant, Confident, Generous, Encouraging, Charismatic, Tenacious. Might be into some really kinky or taboo sex acts, might even be horny 24/7. You are a perfectionist and highly self-critical, which for many people could be a recipe for low self-esteem. Element And Quality: Fire & Fixed. A conjunction almost morphs the energy of both planets together. Fortunately, you do have the ability to be practice and objective and put emotions to one side, so you do give yourself good advice. Probably has resting bitch face. 2. Blue indicates the first quartile, Green indicates the second, Yellow indicates the third, and that PInkish-Red indicates the fourth. Both of which are important when making executive decisions. Personally, I believe that sister signs of the mutable and cardinal modalities are compatible, while the sister signs of the fixed modality are less compatible. Id also say try to avoid too many fire placements, though a little bit might not be so bad :D, I'm the intp anon- my mars is cancer and Venus is Leo, Hi there, I am a cancer sun aqua moon cancer venus libra mars and taurus rising , 27 | INFP | 4w5 | Pan | Nonbinary | She/Her |, dunno how well this one's gonna go over without the context of the other essays lol. Enthusiastic about their passions, can be adorable when they get excited. Pair your Moon sign with your Mars sign to show you how you will react when faced with a threat. Venus-Mars aspects are super intense in the synastry chart. Signs that form square aspects are the trickiest. Each of the twelve signs is associated with a different archetype or energy which is expressed in a persons natal chart through different placements and positions. Mars in Aries' primal drive is directly stimulated by the Moon. Aries: aggressive, brave, playful, active, Taurus: lazy, determined, artistic, loyal, Gemini: analytical, bubbly, restless, talkative, Cancer: defensive, empathetic, parental, caring, Leo: creative, dramatic, prideful, affectionate, Virgo: selfless, practical, critical, dependable, Libra: romantic, elegant, indecisive, social, Scorpio: mysterious, jealous, suspicious, stubborn, Sagittarius: honest, carefree, reckless, philosophical, Capricorn: ambitious, hardworking, greedy, careful, Aquarius: rebellious, unique, innovative, distant, Pisces: emotional, dreamy, manipulative, flexible, Moon: Your unconscious self, desires, emotions, Mercury: Your mental processes, communication, decision making, Venus: What you look for in relationships and partners, your style, Jupiter: What expands you, your luck, growth, and your generosity, Saturn: What limits you, the lessons you learn, fear, and work ethic, Uranus: Your individuality, freedom, rebellion, Neptune: Your spirituality, ideals, deception, Pluto: Your most primitive side, your secrets. Secretive with magnetic personalities, like folks cant help but be drawn to em. Violence, aggression, and brutality are common traits of Mars. You might have known someone well for five years, and you still might not consider them close enough to share many of your thoughts and feelings with them. People born under the influence of Mars are incredibly courageous, determined, and iron-willed so that nothing can shatter their desires. They usually believe in the power ofpeaceful protests andcivil disobedience as a way of changing society for the better. Aries mars identify sex with the physical body and feel the most comfortable in the realm of sex as they are in unison with mars-which adds to the almost domineering and tyrant nature they exhibit sexually. Often come across as condescending or judgy. Mars Aquarius is fixed energy, and that lends to being super stubborn, "fixed in their ways." That fixation lasts and is intense, until the next shock wave, and a turn to a new fixation. Thankfully, Mars does not retrograde through Virgo often, as the planet only retrogrades every two years. Mars in Scorpio is also an ambitious self-improver, which Virgo connects with. Socially conscious, likely to get involved in some form of activism, a cause they believe in. Trine (): When two planets are ~120 away from each other, they form a trine aspect. This can help when solving problems that require creative, unique solutions. We can use astrology to discover our potential and to see what we are capable of. Mars represents the masculine archetype. It's all about energy. They tend to lean towards more aggressive and even fast strokes and or sways when in the moment. Compatibility Based on the Signs' Ruling Planets. He'd be energetic, sensual and fond of traveling. You keep your own counsel and prefer to do for yourself rather than rely on anyone else. Pierces right through peoples fake bullshit. Mars in Capricorn: Have this serious, broody aura about them that can be kind of alluring and intimidating at the same time. You know that you are doing well so far, and that you have the ability to get where you are going. This is a great placement for travel bloggers/youtubers. The two independents are an Aries and a Virgo. Aspects are special angles that show relationships between your planets. You're an assertive communicator, however, and will always fight hard to win an . A sextile aspect is similar to the trine aspect, but weaker. full life. You are often too busy with the other aspects of your life to think about sex. They push and can come off as aggressive at time to moon but moon respects their power and strength. Theyre the type of person who would leap into a burning building to save someone, without a second thought. Mars in Aquarius: Questions everything they read. You understand that you may not be able to see why someone is behaving in a certain way at a given moment. But when it does come up, you find yourself in your sweet spot very quickly. 4. Astronomically, the positions of the houses in a natal chart are Mars - He'd feel a deep satisfaction that it was just a bug bite. Royals show a big presence of the Moon, which I'm not surprised with, since the moon rule over family, and royalty is traditionally inherited from the family. Storytellers with this placement will often write stories where people ultimately talk out their problems and come to an understanding of each other, maybe even achieve world peace in the process. He is good at reading people and situations, so he tends to know if the other person is interested and the best time to approach. They have many interests and many people interested in them, if yknow what I mean. The Mars in Aquarius individual has a curious, experimental approach to sex, rather than a smoldering passion that other Mars signs possess. But theyre also skillfully flirty and charming, so dont assume they dont have an active love life. Because of this, its especially painful for them to have a falling out with a friend or family member, and they will always try to move toward forgiving and forgetting the issue even if its unforgivable. Especially if you work it into the conversation or ask them what they want as a present. You do . Mars in Virgo: Always strives for perfection in everything they do. The more time you spend with them, the more you can pick up on the roiling, boiling stew of emotions thats constantly bubbling underneath their defensive crabby surface. While you are highly critical and demanding of yourself, you tend to take a softer touch with others and accept that you never really know exactly what is going on with someone else. Along with 8th & 12th House placements, joining with Saturn highly aspected or prominent. indicates that the presidents birth time is unknown and the placement cannot be found. A man with Mars in Gemini may be most compatible with a woman who has her Venus in Aquarius. Talking about wealth, the top 5 Sun Signs I've seen repeatedly in over 200 wealthy people charts are (not in order) : Cancer, Leo, Aries, Libra & Scorpio. There are three modalities or quadruplicities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. They are killing it at the gym, but they arent posting daily update photos on social media. Workaholics. Mars. They dominate others without even having to try. Reminiscent of the Roman God of War with the same name, Aries is persistent, daring, free-spirited, and full of vigor. Fortunately, you dont use this superpower often. The planets are regarded as basic life-forces, the tools we live by as well as the basis of our very substance. Astrology doesnt dictate our lives, and its not a set of instructions we will or have to follow. Since Mars is in an Earth sign, it feels the need to have a valid reason to react or unleash their anger. If you were born with Mars in Virgo, you aspire to be the best possible unique version of yourself and you are slowly and steadily working on that project, pushing the bar higher with every individual success. They have many interests and many people interested in them, if yknow what I mean. This makes them seem very impressive, but never unapproachable, as she has a natural down-to-earth energy. Although an individual with Venus in Taurus can be like an aphrodisiac, this partnership can lead to further inertia. Learn More. Therefore, these kind-hearted people would be best suited to a person with Venus in Cancer. If theyre artistic they can make beauty out of the most fucked-up subject matter. Mars in Virgo Compatibility When you are born under Mars in Virgo, you need someone intellectually stimulating and imminently trustworthy. Aries: March 21 - April 20. Typically, the Mars person is the more aggressive individual while the Venus person is more passive. Sextile (*): When two planets are ~60 away from each other, they form a Most of them are romantically and sexually submissive on some level, though they may try to hide it. Of course, like the zodiac signs, the planets cant be fully encompassed using just keywords like the ones above, but they give you a good idea. This Scorpio/Cancer combo, makes him a soft freak + other placements in his chart (Lots Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo) His Scorpio/Capricorn placements makes him a controlling sex freak and his Virgo/Cancer placements makes him soft and giving. Short fuse is an understatement. Your secret to success? Mars is our libido, our competitiveness, our drive, our animal instincts, and our passions. In the vast world of astrology, we hold many, As you may already know, your sun sign (the sign that most of us read our horoscope for), can only reveal so much about you. Mars in Virgopeople always strive for perfection in everything they do. It reflects your ambitiousness and approach to pursuing goals, how you assert and defend yourself, and also your primal sexuality. They put a LOT of work into maintaining that public persona they secretly want to inspire awe in every person they meet, theyre gluttons for glory but they hate people knowing that so, gotta act all cool and casual. Again, your sun sign isnt directly linked to your political beliefs and this is only based on 100 people, but I believe this gives a little bit of a clue as to which signs are generally more conservative and which are more liberal. Your natal chart shows the positions of the planets, asteroids, and other points at the moment of your birth, relative to the zodiac signs. Astrology hoe and BTS hoe SHIPS ARE CLOSED Bts Astrology Masterlist Astrology Masterlist About Mouse Tags, Kim Seokjin - Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer, Originally posted by blackandwhitebangtan, Jung Hoseok - Pisces Venus & Aquarius Mars, Kim Namjoon - Venus Scorpio & Cancer Mars, Probably the most vanilla out of the boys, but by no means is he boring, I can see him both having top and the bottom role, He will be very private about what goes on in the bedroom with his partner, If he is straight he will be very attracted to women with large breasts, But would prefer silk ties over metal handcuffs, His Aries is a hot headed fire sign while his Cancer is a sensitive water sign, So I see him being a switch (but will probably be more sub leaning), This little bean is very senstitive so you have to be careful with him, Aftercare i so so important with this one, Likes someone that plays hard to get, and power strugles makes him go crazy, Okay, so his Venus is in the sensitive Pisces and his Mars is in the wild Aquarius, Becasue of his Aquarius mars and other placements in his chart I see him as a Dom, His Aquarius Mars makes him very open and good at thinken outside the box, Gets bored easily, so he wants to spice things up often, He will have times where he can have vanilla sex, with lots of kisses and eyecontact, Another Cancer Mars guy, and he also have a Venus in Scorpio, This Scorpio/Cancer combo, makes him a soft freak + other placements in his chart (Lots Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo), His Scorpio/Capricorn placements makes him a controlling sex freak and his Virgo/Cancer placements makes him soft and giving, Therefor I very much see him as a Daddy Dom, Would love to take care of his baby girl/boy, But would also love to punish them when they have been bad. But when it happens, you let your guard down and the experience is intensely intimate. If you want to know what someone's kink is, check their Mars. These arent to be confused with the societys definition of masculine and feminine. The two dualities simply show us the direction of the signs energy. A 6th House stellium puts emphasis on where Virgo falls in your chart, Sun in the 10th House people tend to have rounder and softer physical shapes, not the type of people to be skinny. When you are born under Mars in Virgo, you need someone intellectually stimulating and imminently trustworthy. These planetary forces take on different forms, depending on their zodiacal position and on the way they relate to one another.. Enjoy! I chose the Senate rather than the House of Rep. or the entire Congress, mostly because Im lazy but also because there are an even 100 people in the Senate, which makes the percentages easier to work with. Mars shows what a woman is attracted to in a man. 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