synanon survivors

There are more successes, like the Rolling Stones Rick Jones, that stemmed from bona fide psychotherapy. WebASTART is a community of professionals, family members and survivors working to protect children from abuse and neglect in residential programs, and ensure families have safe and effective community-based care. Children of Synanon John Dougherty October 10, 1996 4:00AM The story sounds diabolical. It's not good.' Its like, its like the story Ive always told you, you know about the warden standing up on the, looking out the window of his office and down in the big yard and saying, Come here, George, watch em theyll all fuck each other pretty soon you know, we, we, we most of the people to come into our house and say I would like to live here and turn out to be very, very real crazy people. You might call that egotistical, but I felt I had that knowledge because I had engaged so many. People had to know its dangers before making choices to support or join. I would say probably every decade my views changed, either up or down, but only in small degrees. Ramirez set up the synanon-based Phoenix House which hired former Synanite Ted Dibble to manage one of its centers. One either plays the game and is rewarded with privilege and favorable discharge, or one splits from the program. I find I edit better after I posted and edited this one about 5 times so far. I was not for that idea, because I saw most members as victims. And he started saying, 'Don't be like me. it would be interesting to see you rewrite a summary of what I wrote so it could be judged whether or not you understood it. Margo, you say you are a successful attorney. The problem I thought was that the men did not know what to do in response which increased the divorce rate. I was taken there by my mother. So is the eventual years later reverting to a longing for the days of comrades and cause. By then only 1000 out of the 12,000 claimed to have entered were there and leaving was defined as failure. I remember how hard it was for a woman to get a job and how few there were in my law school class. But generally, as to your comment, my book was not in disagreement. I talked with you briefly about Elan and of its closing. What lies did we believe wholeheartedly?". And yes, there is some bad grammar. You say it is unscientific nonsense, but prove that any of the statistics and studies were not accurate or that the events that took place in the clones did not happen. Elan did not offer the same type of tapestry as Synanon and thus probably caused more injury to its members. Watched the documentary Ethel on HBO and compare the public speaking of the Kennedys to the embarrassing debates that took place in the recent election. Glasser, he wrote, found that eighty six of every hundred admissions to a large residential program terminated themselves against the advise of staff with most terminating within the first 30 days. Synanon was the first therapeutic community devoted to the treatment of the drug addicted according to the Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol, which is edited by the first White House Drug Czar, per Wes Fager, who also noted Dr. Jerome Jaffe stated Synanon is the prototype of the drug-related therapeutic community-a community where the addict surrenders all aspects of his life, except one-the right to leave. Fager further noted Bratter and Forrest write that In less than a quarter of a century, the American self-help residential therapeutic community has come to span the globe. Your comments is like talking about Nazi tea parties and trains running on time while someone else is talking about the Holocaust. A recovering alcoholic named Art Barker in 1970 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and run almost entirely by kids for kids. Also true, is that my ego places me in my eyes in a higher position than others. Im so grateful, thankful & PROUD of everyone who made this happen!!! I had never been arrested nor done drugs. He wrote the failure of Yablonsky to see the horror of what he had written raised questions suggesting a lack of humanity in Yablonsky. Margo I agree I looked at every branch. Researched by Maia Szalavitz for a book in 2006 and for Mother Jones in 2007 she described the clone horrors and traced them back to Synanon. And you quite accurately describe the reason, it was protected. I stated my views, but I gave statistics and reports to back them, most unfortunate to learn of the great tragedy that have occurred in the clones are all these years. Thats why I wrote the history of Synanon because there is so much to learn. Kenton, through no fault of his own, was placed in the Synanon school by square musician parents and at age 18 became the youngest member of the Imperial Marines. as to George Bush, again in my book I said there was no difference between him psychologically and Osama. Mental health service. And while in 1978, he noted, Synanon publicity reported 20,000 people had gone through its doors, they were exiting at even a higher speed. While a credit to Dederichs foresight, it also unfortunately was a feature of his harmful megalomania. Bringing Luis Home September 26, 2022 10. Nicholaus Contreraz, 16, died at the Arizona Boys Ranch near Oracle, Arizona, March 2, 1998, of cardiac arrest, after instructors continued to harass him and force him to exercise even though he told them he was sick. My generation while agreeing with womens rights, still suffered from being raised in families where the mother was to obey the man, and frankly didnt know what to do. "I can't tell you how many times a day I pick up my kid. A 15-year-old boy died from a staph infection at a Colorado wilderness program. The same result was stated by Steve Simon in his Harvard dissertation only in much more elaborate detail. By 1976 the plan to transfer the money to the Dederich family was cemented and implanted. . Further, it is foolish to treat all persons in the same manner. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. He wrote that, High discipline programs usually employ the confrontive Synanon game-a leaderless group encounter session to create aggressive and provocative interchange, using ridicule, cross examination and hostile attack. Synanon can make its recommendation not to connect, even expel and announce it will not accept the person back; but there is no right to stop contact by never informing the person of attempts being made and giving the person the choice. Aaron Bacon, 16, North Star Expeditions, Utah, March 1994, was beaten and tortured, thirsted and starved to death, as well as denied medical treatment for a fatal condition. Some had warned of the potential dangers of using synanons (game) on adults. He became the one to blame, he was the angry one. Spare the Rod Healing. Some children have been placed for nothing more than marijuana smoking, and some because the programs told the parents unless they gave them the younger kid they would expel the older sibling. Another boy froze to death (given no coat or shelter), and the victims even included former Synanon children who were placed in these camps by parents still believing in the Synanon system. Hitler did great things for Germany, but it would be wrong to use them to assert we should all think of it as Spring Time for Hitler, as Janzen did of Dederich. The real origins of the Cedu schools remained hidden from the students, their parents and much of the staff until years after their graduation or departure. There just a, lots of them down in the Bank of America building in San Francisco, Pacific Union club, various law offices throughout the country, the streets, the ghettos, the penitentiaries. He wrote that many ex-members said that one day there would be a scandal and Dederich would run off with all the money. they were supposed to be about love, while men were about war. In 1972 he reported on the case of a 12 year old boy who had been admitted, along with older clients, to a second generation Synanon called The Odyssey House in New York City. Shomeister. As I wrote, starting in 1998, off and on for 3 years; then quitting, starting again in 2009, stopping in 2011 to write the book Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults, and picking up in 2012, that question continued as did the question did Synanon leave any positive legacy along with its revelation that its processes dictated its ultimate outcome and was predictable from the start? The reviewer for his section on synanons for prisoners is none other than Dr. Robert DuPont, the second White House Drug Czar and founding director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and who administered a whopping $1.8 million contract to an experimental, start-up synanon for kids-only called The Seed in Fort Lauderdale. Need your help! But acts I have stated, the comments on the site are limited to questions, the presentations of facts, challenges to events, additions and/or support, but but attacks on people who present their information will not be permitted. His family claims his pleas for help were ignored. But I also concluded that Synanon would always be dangerous because of the nature of the Synanon game. Also, if a person made that choice sincerely, that person may have a better chance of succeeding in an environment with supporting persons and ex-addicts urging of them on while removing competing problems of how to support themselvessuch as a housing, friends and a job. Elan was known of using such standards as haircut, pull- up, the game and humiliating signs; but added a boxing ring for resisters to be plummeted by bigger guys until a bloody confession was extracted, regardless of its truth. Paul Morantz WebSynanon was a religous community. A small portion decided they had enough, and gave too much credit to Synanon and not enough to their own will power. As stated above, as Dederich believed this, his squeezes and toss outslike old timer Bill Crawford was willfully sentencing one to death for CEDs ego and financial gain. No one knows the actual final fate of the 19. Even today, some ex Synanon members, including many who had claimed they were harmed and/or were critical upon leaving, have played an on-line version with each other that slowly brought them back into the fold, confessing what others want to hear and afraid to say what they dont. From Musicos past, one can infer antisocial makeup, but when he came to Synanon he was able to function and had acceptance, something he probably could not otherwise obtain. Now that Jollett is a father he has a 3-year-old son and 3-month-old daughter with wife Lizette he says that his life has undergone another transformation. So lets say you wanted to give the Third Reich some credit, which could be done, what positives can you say about Synanon? Elan generated very large tax revenues for the state of Maine. Relationships at the school between students and staff seemed to have little formal structure or sense of normal boundary and a students life was always under threat of intense and unpredictable disciplining and punishment. Once the population bought that, Dederich had complete power by threat of expulsion which he continually exercised out right or by squeezes.. when I was growing up I thought world would be a better place if women were in control. We were indoctrinated quickly thru fear, humiliation,and the constant threat of physical violence. I think Synanon was one of the most important stories of the 20th-century and leaves us with one of the most documented histories that is worth studying and learning from. In the introduction I asked the question was Charles Dederich just another sociopath who rose to power or was he a Jedi Knight seduced by the Dark Side. there were a lot of people in the early days who left because of the way Dederich was taking it, and its too bad the idea grew out of person with such a tortured past. As to the above, I remain impressed with your apparent life long research into many areas, and you write so much, it is hard to know where to begin. The truth is Santa Monica was enforcing a valid zoning prohibition. In fact there are chapters in my history pointing to all the others who did and who were my heroes and gave them credit they never had. Yet by 1968, to justify ending graduation, if Dederich was correct, there was little success in curing addicts. Any dammed fool who wants to come in and say Id like to live with you and we let them in. "He was just this big, masculine, Italian, strong guy that loved his boys. But I believe there are important messages in its history I was drivin not to let Janzen alter it. Stop telling me this didn't happen, because this happened.'" Although Synanon was officially shut down in 1991, it had inspired followers to start similar groups that perpetuated Synanons worst principles. Copyright Paul Morantz. He was so wrong and he refused to write many who studied Synanon came to an opposite conclusion. When he begged to see a doctor, the staff sneered at him and called him a faker and asked him if he were homosexual.. WebSynanon Survivors is celebrating 4 years!!! Communist Russia was safer with freedom taken away. Members were brainwashed, tortured mentally and barred from leaving the communityescaped members were subject to beatings. I welcome anyones story, questions or facts; the only thing I delete is attacking the messenger; attack facts if you can but I am not going to have gaming on here, get the speaker when you cannot challenge the info. It did make news. also, to write a good book, you have to think that is what you are doing or it will not be a good book. (c) Nov. 2012. Joe was a thug and a gangster, but when a law abiding citizen said so, Joe sued his bank and won ten million dollars. It quotes statements I did not make but Dederich did. "All of us started having kids, and I think as parents we were like, 'Holy s---, what? No doubt their belief in Synanon was so strong that they had a good influence on others, but unfortunately they were also subjected to the Synanon system which from the early days warned of the enemy at the door (which Dederich eventually confessed at deposition he made up to bond followers), and later declared that you could never go home or contact outsiders. I am a Synanon survivor. I'll see you in a few weeks for three hours,' Or in some cases, 'I'll see you in six months,' in some cases, five years. Experience indicates that when these counselors use an especially intrusive, aggressive approach, frequently debasing and harshly confronting clients, they may do more harm than good. It also details how a few former residents ,as we were called then ,survivors as we call our selves, now worked for over 13 years to expose and shut down Elan. According to Department of Oh so very funny. When I was first fighting Synanon, however, things were very black and White. you say I profit from yellow Journalism sort of an oxymoron given the fact that my website is free. We let, we let crazy people into the door and we dont discriminate. He noted that the child seemed lost in the rigid hierarchy and confrontation tactics of the program. He wrote: As a clinician I am concerned about the effects of intense, violent verbal interaction upon young teenagers engaged in a sensitive process of identity formation. Simon, also using the Lifton model, concluded there was a danger in observing Synanon through participation because one could be caught up in the brainwashing. This is due, in part, to many Synanites having left to form their own lucrative drug rehabilitation companiesa degree in medicine is not a requirement. He participated in several missions, and arguably would have lived a better life but for his exposure to Synanon. The problem of these programs was it was believed it was justified to use any means, denying human and civil rights and treating people who didnt need treatment; all this done without any proof that behavior modification programs ever worked. Prove that all the Synanon documents directing kidnappings, beatings and murder did not exist. According to newspaper articles of the day he has publicly disclosed, Ive smoked pot, popped pills, but none of the hard stuff. Hereceived a degree in psychology from a mail-order company in Florida. Since I had as friends, people like Bernie Kolb and Ben Parks, who went from long-term addictions to long time great human beings, I concluded something there must have worked. . ), "You put stress on a family, unpredictable things happen, and children tend to take on different roles," Jollett says. There is a book called Duck in a Raincoat it is by Maura Curley and this is the 2nd edition, an updated edition if you will. Jollett also healed by opening himself up to therapy, music and, eventually, love. I did not delete Susans comment, they disappeared and then reappeared; have happy holidays. All throughout history when the same mix occurs so do the same results. As I said, I would say the same of Janzen. in the understanding and treatment of adolescents. I listened to countless game tapes. The problem is, however, is how to ensure they are taken advantage of. I suspected this would happen, because it is well known that people in cults go from outrageous anger to a final whimsical yearning at the end for a time of spirit and comradeship. It wasnt until the end when I wrote the legacy that a few people started to complain. The money was too good; parents panicking at the finding of a joint and willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money to anyone with the sales pitch, never quite understanding the tortures and deaths that awaited. Sam Gillette is a books Writer/Reporter for and People Magazine. Synanon just gave it a giant shove through its PR machine which unfortunately attracted sociopaths wanting an easy road to riches and unfortunately led many governmental agencies and politicians to back their concepts. Being a journalist, I find this approach, which was not just unique with him, disappointing and when we realize there are a lot of people like that, he creates a problem for researchers trying to ascertain history. Rather, the organizations said they worked, so people believed it. I comfort him if he hurts his knee or my daughter when she cries, whatever it is. They covered his mouth with a hand and forced him to inhale ammonia, which caused spasm of his vocal cords and prevented him from being able to inhale. What was it one in 25 days for 2 years? A Violent, Deadly Cult With Forced Abortions and Shades of Scientology FOLLOW THE LEADER San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images Im not pleased about it, a lot of people got hurt and if your part of the Justice system that should bother you. To me there is good reason why Elan was not on the the map. First, while our government says that all people are equal the fact is they are not born equal. God bless you. Simon did not follow his own warnings, and after being destroyed in a Synanon game, and then befriended by Dederich, never left, became the keeper of the flame and ultimately went to prison for participation in a scheme to destroy evidence concerning Synanons violent conspiracy. Rocker Mikel Jollett's Memoir on Cult Childhood Is 'Primal Scream' Bellis, citing various sources, found that the success rate in the Synanon imitators was no better than that the dismal statistics of Synanon itself. He also forced women to have abortions and almost 200 men had vasectomies after Dederich forbade any more children. '", After Tony went to rehab, their dad quit his job to be home with them and cooked dinner every night. TimI didnt say I was the only one to fight Synanon. Sometimes I think women are more revenge orientated, but it probably still comes down to the individual. In 1974 Rachman and Heller had noted that many youths had dropped out of TCs because the methods were geared to curing adult addicts. And that Susan, is what differentiates us, from other countries where there is no freedom of press. While Synanons bragging of curing drug addiction was far off from reality, its public relations system did promote the concept that drug addiction was not impossible to overcome as many had thought when Synanon was conceived. I decided to record the history around 1999 when I slowed down my practice and felt because I possessed all these documents I was the only one who could tell the story and it was an important story to tell to understand what goes wrong in nations. In 1971, Dederich stated, as Ofshe noted: we want at the idea of graduate. This was a sop to social workers and professionals who wanted me to say that we were producing a graduate. I always wanted to say to them, A person with this fatal disease will have to live here all of his life. I know damn well if they got out of Synanon they are dead. I think he recognized, 'Oh, is this one going to become an addict, too? It was good that Synanon took in minorities, and when Dederich married Betty mixed marriages were not as commonplace as today. after 911, the Dederich type remarks that Bush was making were scary and I felt that free-speech and this country was dissipating; people were afraid to say anything that could be interpreted as un-American. Anyway good luck and I hope you found a practice you enjoy. That is not ego. If you want to really learn of how the inner controls were, you can contact me to get his depositions. Further, while brainwashing might be a form of keeping a person from drugs, leaving all decision making to the masters was a recipe for disaster. But he ruled them out as heretics, not ever once, as did Janzen, do, as Deep Throat suggested to the Watergate investigators: follow the money.. "You just love them up, just squeeze them and kiss them and tell them how much you love them, and think about their needs, and have empathy for them," he says. If one thought about it, does one really need to go to a rehab to stop taking pain pills or a little drinking or smoking marijuana; these were and are issues that the medical profession could not fail in guiding if one wanted to quitreducing, changing or eliminating prescriptions. ), "[Tony] went to rehab at a young age, and I think it scared me," Jollett says. He found that at Odyssey House only 25% of admissions stay more than 30 days, that the rate is down to 9.7% after six months, 5.6% at 1 year, and 2.8% after 18 months; the programs required length of stay to graduate.. So I asked him how he could then discount it and he responded because if it existed, he would have to consider it occurring in religions (he is a Christian and lover of utopian communities) and other groups. "Mary Karr likes to say, 'You have to write about difficult relationships with great love.' Many programs report a high dropout rate with younger adolescents, which is directly related to this factor. Instead it is led to countless deaths, destruction of lives and still continues today. Some children were taken to foreign countries, or islands, although foreign countries have done more to stop them than our government. He had the addicts psychologically tested and found Synanon did not change people internallythat they were still antisocial. Fatherhood has made him more cognizant of how much trauma he experienced as a child, as it has for other former Synanon kids who have become parents. Her alleged crimepetty theft. In contrast, Jollett's goals as a parent are simple. Synanon Industries August 23, 2022 2. Nov 04, 2017 Daina Fanning rated it really liked it. you might also want to watch Cal. 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Although I think this is waning some now Movies now are once again about heroes and less about femme fatales. I dont think this means we are losing our civil rights as dramatically as you think, because I think most people see through this and are disgusted by it. Straight used Synanons vaginal and anal searches to search for contraband for years even though they never found any. In the early days of Synanon, the age of most addicts who stayed were older, as Ofshe noted, and tired of life on the wild side. Kimberly Stafford, the Vision Quest counselor who was driving the supply vehicle, was convicted of careless driving. Ofshe who had been allowed inside Synanon to study it contacted Dave Mitchell in 1978 to ask if he was serious about investigating Synanon because violence could not occur randomly under Synanons controls and can only occur at direction of management (later admitted by Dederich at deposition). It still such a bracing business that I like to stay in it. 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