tequila fermentation process

Autoclave/Brick Oven combination (72.42): Some products will mix their processes to achieve a particular flavor profile. Fermentation and Distillation is a science and an art, and some do it better than others. Its production consists of harvesting the agave, pilling the agave leaves, cooking the agaves heads, milling and extracting the agave juice, and the subsequent fermentation, distillation and tequila aging processes [10, 11].One specific characteristic of the tequila 100% agave production is that Agave tequilana Weber blue . Once they are loaded in, the pit is covered by dirt and left to do its thing. Here's what Tequila drinkers should know about the difference between the Highlands and Lowlands of Jalisco, Mexico. Copper Pot/Filipino (86.71): Once again, Siembra Valles Ancestrals ancient method of distillation score the highest of all distillation methods in our database. The principal complex carbohydrate present in agave is inulin, which is a polymeric fructose with a terminal glucose residue. Here are the basic steps involved in making tequila. Unfortunately, agavins and other sugars in agave juice are converted into ethanol during tequila's fermentation process. The heart holds the bestliquor. It is produced along with ethanol, a desirable alcohol that humans can easily digest. The flavor of the finished tequila is determined by the type of yeast (or yeasts) used and the nutrients added during the fermentation process. Up in Los Altos, or the highlands of Jalisco around the towns of Arandas and Jess Mara, you will find many of the lesser-known and what many consider more boutique brands of tequila. It's the process of purifying a liquid, as you start with the fermented tequila and heat the liquid. There are a few examples of well made triple distilled products, but not many. The fermentation process creates a sweet, low-alcohol liquid known as "mosto." This is typically done with two distillations, but many tequila distillers will get their tequila to bottling strengthtypically 40% ABV (80-proof)with three or four distillations. Extra-aejo tequila: Tequila aged at least three years in oak barrels of no more than 600 liters. Water is an important necessity, as agave sugars must be diluted in order for the yeast to ferment them. This tequila is rare because it must be aged for a minimum of three years. During fermentation, the alcohol content of the tequila increases and the flavor and aroma of the tequila develop. Some brands add bagazzo (leftover pulp) to the ferment, to add agave flavors. Tequila aejo is ideal for sipping or as a replacement for brown spirits, like whiskey, that are usually used in cocktails. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". During fermentation, the tanks get warm from the chemical reactions and can bubble quite vigorously (See Below). Column (68.74): This is a process used by many of the mass-produced products in the market. Fermentation. The Milling. The ratings for this method were dramatically higher than any other process. After the fermentation, dead mosto contains more than 100 compounds. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. . Here is a SIMPLE DESCRIPTION OF THE FERMENTATION TO DISTILLATION STAGE for making Tequila: After steaming (cooking) the pinas, generally by horno (oven) or autoclave (stainless steel oven), inulin carbs transform into fructose. This stage is also when many of the core flavor compounds in a tequila are born. Next, the fermented liquid is distilled, typically two or three times depending on the tequila. It is a great debate; some people will compare the modern autoclave to a microwave and the brick oven to using a traditional oven in your kitchen. Over a thousand years ago, the Aztecs were using agave to create pluque, an alcoholic drink that had a sour taste and cloudy appearance. Get our free book when you sign up for our newsletter. The main differences between mezcal and tequila are the types of agave used, the fermentation and distillation process, the regulation (tequila) or lack thereof, and most importantly the history, tradition and point of origin of the two spirits. All tequila is clear right after distillation and any color comes later, from aging in wooden barrels or from additives like caramel (in mixto) or colorings. Just like every other step in the process, tequila distilleries employ different methods. Harvest the agave. Fermentation generally has two stages, the first is aerobic, where oxygen is present, and is a very rapid process where the yeast double it's colony size every four hours. Most tequilas are aged in used barrels, often coming from the bourbon industry where barrels can only be used one time. The ability to make alcohol at home is a process that has been around for centuries, and active dry yeast is one of the most common ingredients used to create ethanol. Restaurants and bars can use this as training material. Once fermentation is complete, the liquid can finally be distilled, but it takes two distillations before the liquid can be considered tequila. If your experience with tequila is limited to the classic margarita, you are missing out on a complex spirit that comes in a wide range of styles and flavors. Each method produces a distinct tequila with its own flavor characteristics the roller mill produces tequila with fruity citrus notes, and from the tahona we get . At 95C other components start to vaporize. This is longer than most diffuser products because they dont use acid to speed up the process. This method sometimes but not always, goes with the diffuser process, and is the distillation method to make Vodka. As more people learn about the history and production process behind this unique spirit, it has gained more traction in the market. I am totally independent & honest. Let's learn about Brands & Agave Spirits on FB, Instagram, and YouTube. The temperature is critical, and if it's too cold fermentation will slow, and if it's too hot it causes the yeast to die off, keeping in mind that the process of fermentation itself, produces it's own heat. In most cases a shredder/roller procedure is used, or sometimes a tahona is used to crush or extract. 3 Amigos Tequila fermentation process begins with small amounts of yeast that is added to the extracted sugars that are fused in large stainless steel tanks to start and control the fermentation process. Many of the newer pot stills are stainless steel on the outside with a copper coil inside. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Autoclaves can cook a batch of agave in 7-12 hours. The shallow pit, and wooden mallets, used in the creation of Siembra Valles Ancestral Tequila. gracias por la informacion. Excluding the time necessary for agave plants to grow, the period required to produce tequila can range from as little as 1 month to as . The Spruce Eats uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. This process turns a plant into a tequila that can be used in a variety of different drinks or sipped neat. Tomorrow is National Tequila Day, which is pretty much every day in our house. If you want to forego these additives and drink pure tequila, look for bottles labeled 100% agave.. Sourcing the Agave. Give it a try! It is a key contributor to Casa Sauza's tequilas. Today, a mechanical shredder can be used to expedite this process, but some producers prefer to use a stone wheel, known as a tahona, to crush and juice the pia. Today's tahonas are operated either by tractors or a central engine that slowly moves the arm attached to the wheel around the pit, but they require a worker or two to work the pit as the 2-ton wheel crushes the agave. 3. We use cookies to give you the best experience. In cooler months, the process takes a little longer. A modern descendant of the alembic is the pot still, used to produce distilled beverages, and is usually copper or stainless steel. The US requires all Tequila to be imported and sold at 80 proof and the legal maximum limit in order to call it Tequila is 55% abv or 110 proof. Is the process where the alcohol is separated from the fermented wort (mosto). The agave matures for seven All that is needed here is yeast, the juices of the cooked agave (called must or wort) and water. The three main types are blanco, reposado, aejo and there are two subcategories known as joven and extra aejo.What is tequila made of? 8.6.3. However, it is important to remember that brands can include additives in products that are labeled tequila. Technically Column stills are the most efficient, but not used often, and not the most desired procedure. prevent and help treat . All of these components are very important to the smell and taste of the tequila. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Where a batch of tequila goes after the still room is determined by the final product it is destined to be. Its a fast and economical way to distill tequila. Don Julio is a brand of tequila produced in Mexico.It is the largest brand in value and eighth largest in volume. Stainless Steel (78.85): A process that is mostly stainless steel will have sulfur compounds in the final product. Tequila is just one of many agave-based spirits. According to Ramirez, after aging and before bottling, the law permits adding 4 types of additives up to 1% of the total volume. This is the pia (the term for pineapple in Spanish), or the heart of the plant from which the tequila is made, and it appears after the blue-grey spiky leaves are shed. Copper pot stills inside of the El Pandillo tequila distillery, located in Jesus Maria, Jalisco. Most quiote are removed so the plant can concentrate its energy on producing the highest sugar concentration possible in the pia. Most distillers throw away the heads and tails because these hold the majorityof the impurities. Autoclave (post diffuser) (70.82): Heres where it gets interesting. Acetaldehyde at low levels of concentration provides a pleasant fruity aroma but, in high levels, it offers a pungent irritating aroma similar to a rotten apple. Since alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water, it will turn to steam before the water does, and rise up in the still. Unlike whisky where the majority of time is spent in the ageing process, producing tequila requires a vast amount of time invested in cultivation. Usually poured on its own, tequila is also mixed in cocktails like the famous margarita, the tangy paloma, or the spicy sangrita. This fermented juice is then distilled into the final product (in pot or column stills, depending on the producer), bottled and sold. Fermentation is simply converting sugars and/or carbohydrates to alcohol, by using yeast in anerobic (non-oxygen) conditions. Thanks Grover! Instead, it is the culmination of every step in the tequila-making process, from the agave to the barrel, that will affect the final product's quality. Made from 100% blue agave, Tequila Cazadores undergoes a seven-step sustainable, zero-waste production process that includes double distillation, double fermentation and careful maturation. In the tequila industry, fermentation is traditionally achieved at sugar concentrations ranging from 50 to 100 g x L(-1). fermentation time, and, most importantly, the period of aging desired. the barrel gives tequila its final color and an oaky flavor, Official Mexican Standard for Tequila NOM-006-SCFI-2005, Tequila: Other sugars and enhancements can be blended with the Weber blue agave musto prior to fermentation. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Just nine years later in 1600, tequila was being mass-produced. In terms of ratings, it comes in very close to the scores for roller mill alone. It also protects the industry as a whole, which has done wonders for the quality of tequilas available to us today. This tool is used to remove the leaves from the pia bulb. Diffuser (67.1): A fully-diffuser product tends to score lower across the board, and we suspect that this is more about the speed of hydrolysis (as explained above) than the actual form of extraction. Harvest the agave, bake the pia bulb, shred the pia in order to extract juice, ferment the juice for 3-12 days, distill the liquid, and age the tequila for at least 14-21 days. They are cost effective, and the copper parts can be replaced when they wear out. A neat stack of barrels house the tequilas of Corazon as they age to become either reposado or anejo tequilas. The agaves go on top of that. As a result of their secrecy, we have very little data to go on. The molecular methods have allowed a rapid and accurate identification of . The effect of yeast strain, the agave age and the cultivation field location of agave were evaluated using kinetic parameters and volatile compound production in the tequila fermentation process. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Official Mexican Standard for Tequila NOM-006-SCFI-2005. Thanks ! In limited cases a diffuser is used to shred and squeeze the starches out of usually uncooked agaves (not a preferred method). Climate, rainfall, harvesting methods, fermentation styles, and overall production all play a major role in the spirit's flavor profile. After the agaves are cooked, they are then juiced mechanically. Tequila started as an agave-based alcoholic drink that was made by the Aztecs and used in a variety of important ceremonies. FERMENTATION. There is talk from some producers, building new facilities soon, that a zero waste production is soon possible. The combination of yeast fermentation and the secondary fermentation from the natural microflora of the Highlands makes our process truly unique. In this case, the column still is used in a different way than normal, making use of its continuous process, and not the ability to create high-proof tequila in a single pass. Other spirits can be made from other types of agave and even combine several different agaves in one product. Who Owns DeLeon . The roller mill inside of the Patron Hacienda distillery. Very good information on the processes. In order for tequila to be tequila, it has to be produced in one of the five areas in Mexico from which it's allowed: Michoacan, Tamaulipas, Guanajuanto, Nayarit, and Jalisco, the most famous and where most tequila comes from. Many mass produced tequilas are fermented . . After each tequila has spent the appropriate amount of time resting, it is time for bottling. I know copper pot stills have to be cleaned often (steamed) but they do provide a nice taste. Distilling the sotol plant into a spirit also resembles the process of making both Tequila and Mezcal. Roller Mill (79.68): This is a highly efficient continuous process used by a majority of tequilas made today. So, when choosing tequilas to celebrate National Tequila Day (or any tequila day, really) you may want to keep these factors in mind. 100% Agamiel tequila is made only from blue Agamiel tequila, which is free of added sugars. . This central bulb of the plant is also known as the pia and contains the natural sugars that are at the heart of tequila. Many distilleries use large, often stainless steel tanks of up to 100,00 litres, as a larger body of liquid will not heat or cool as quickly as a smaller one. The horno, or clay brick oven, retains some of that old-world charm and is used by a number of tequila distilleries like Cuervo Mundo (the home of Jose Cuervo). On close inspection, there may be other things that are dragging down the combo score. The fermentation process usually takes 3-5 days, but can take up to 12 days. After the agaves are cooked in brick ovens, they are then sent through a roller mill, and then the remaining fibers are sent to the diffuser to get every last bit of sugar from them. Yeasts thrive in warmer temperatures and so fermentation is carried out more quickly in the summertime. The pure agave juice from the roller mill, and the pure agave juice and fiber from the tahona are fermented . 2009-2022, S2F Online, Inc. - Taste Tequila and Tequila Matchmaker are property of S2F Online, Inc. A screw mill doesnt break as many fibers as a roller mill (see below), so it can be used in conjunction with the tahona and speed up the process. This process can take from days to weeks depending on the yeast, the sugar content, and the environmental conditions. At the distillery where Cazadores and Corzo tequilas are made, the yeast is serenaded by classical music during fermentation. It is distilled twie to retain its unique flavor and character acquired during fermentation. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". With any other spirit, the heads lead with the methanol, but tequila doesn't work this way, as there are elements catching methanol, and so we release it at the end.". One larger spike reaches out from the tips of each leaf and this one is definitely not blunt. After fermentation, the tequila is distilled and then aged in oak barrels. Mezcal is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from the cooked and fermented hearts, or pias, of agave plants ().. Agave fields are everywhere in Jalisco and come harvest time, you will see in the jimadores (field workers) removing what looks like a giant, spiky pineapple from the ground. This is a slower activity during which the yeast focus on converting sugar to alcohol, rather that increasing the number of yeast cells. Using acid alone to make the conversion is not typical in tequila production because it creates too many non-fermentable sugars, so it needs to be combined with either heat, or enzymatic processes. Your email address will not be published. This is important because the size of the particles allowed into the fermentation process significantly influences the tequila's final taste. This gives it more body and a silky texture. Tequila fermentation. Smoking underground imparts a smoky aroma and flavor because wood or charcoal is put at the base of a pit, covered by rocks (usually lava stones). Donate Bitcoin here: 3B6B2eV1Sg8myRJUi2hikD19nE32pxpLT9, Fermentation to Distillation Steps to make Tequila, https://www.facebook.com/Long-Island-Lou-Tequila-641682619241422/. Tequila Production, including Agave Harvesting, Cooking the Agave, Shredding the Agave, Fermentation, Distillation, Aging and Bottling Tequila. Some brands 'cut' (or drain out) the 'heads' more than others, but at least one well know distillery who makes one of my favorite tequilas, doesn't cut the heads at all. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mexico, they used their knowledge of the distillation process to purify the original drink and turn it into what we now know as tequila. Water and yeast are also used during the fermentation process. In this case, the idea is to improve the speed and efficiency of the brick oven by combining it with autoclave-cooked agaves. Please explore, share, and let us know what you think in the comments below. Step 4 - Fermentation. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The fermentation process takes 4-6 days, depending on the season. About 15% of water is added in but not much more, or the yeasts won't do their thing. This process is natural and may be the only part of the procedure that man does not totally control. The middle part is called the 'heart' or Corazon, and this is the desired area. 'the sweet spot', and it is saved for the second distillation. In this case, its just a very efficient extraction tool. Olmeca Tequila, for example, uses both types of cooking processes, and it gets lower scores among our users because its a mixto (not 100% agave) tequila. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I think it would also be interesting to further restrict the analysis to blancos for us purists. They are mature at 7 to 10 years of age. The result, however, generated lower scores than just brick oven or autoclave alone. This is important to keep in mind, with the heat in central Mexico. 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