hannity list of trump accomplishments to date

The rate rose slightly in 2015 and 2016, but the general trend has been a long downward slide that predated his election. Since 2016, the violent crime rate has declined over 5 percent and the murder rate has decreased by over 7 percent. When we invest in our workers were investing in our people, said the President. Increased surveillance, oversight, and transparency of all 15,417 Medicare and Medicaid nursing homes by requiring them to report cases of COVID-19 to all residents, their families, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). First American president to address an assembly of leaders from more than 50 Muslim nations, and reach an agreement to fight terrorism in all its forms. Signed and implemented the VA Mission Act, which made permanent Veterans CHOICE, revolutionized the VA community care system, and delivered quality care closer to home for Veterans. Mexico City Policy, which blocks funding for international organizations that perform or promote abortion. 76. Search: Hannity List Of Trump Accomplishments To Date. Launched a new tool that provides Veterans with online access to average wait times and quality-of-care data. Experts disagree about its impact. Read the Washington Examiners full list here. pic.twitter.com/yJhKbF1aaU. What happened? Issued travel advisory warnings recommending that American citizens avoid all international travel. It is true that Mr. Trump signed this bill into law. 15. Modernized the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the first time in over 40 years. Successfully negotiated more than 50 agreements with countries around the world to increase foreign market access and boost exports of American agriculture products, supporting more than 1 million American jobs. Cut the business tax rate from 35 percent the highest in the developed world all the way down to 21 percent. . Launched investigations into digital services taxes that have been proposed or adopted by 10 other countries. Most notably, he removed some two million acres in Utah that had been part of the Bears Ears National Monument and the Grand Staircase-Escalante in Utah. Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. Cut red tape in the healthcare industry, providing Americans with more affordable healthcare and saving Americans nearly 10 percent on prescription drugs. Tribal Chairman Gerald Gray credits the bipartisan efforts of Senators Jon Tester, a Democrat, and Steve Daines, a Republican, both of Montana, for tucking the tribal recognition provision into the military spending bill. The Trump administration announced a total of $28 billion in aid for farmers in 2018 and 2019, and another $23.5 billion through the coronavirus stimulus package passed in March. I examined each claim to the best of my ability, reaching out to people and institutions who had special insight to see if they considered the claims accurate. Announced $450 million in available funds to support the manufacturing of Regenerons antibody cocktail. True. Trump signed the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund into law. Protected Medicare beneficiaries by removing Social Security numbers from all Medicare cards, a project completed ahead of schedule. 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the futurethe highest ever. More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history. The United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world. Required that testing results reported include data on race, gender, ethnicity, and ZIP code, to ensure that resources were directed to communities disproportionately harmed by the virus. Mr. Trump has signed a number of bipartisan bills that call for improvements to medical care for veterans, including more access to walk-in clinics. impeaching Trump for inciting the insurrection. Signed into law landmark criminal justice reform. Launched Operation Legend to combat a surge of violent crime in cities, resulting in more than 5,500 arrests. This proposal bears no resemblance to Mr. Trumps 2016 promise to use the buying power of the federal government to negotiate lower prices for drugs for Medicare patients, which would save hundreds of billions of dollars over a decade. According to court filings A large portion of items on the list credit Mr. Trump for a booming economy, which is no longer booming because of the coronavirus pandemic. Upgraded our cyber defenses by elevating the Cyber Command into a major warfighting command and by reducing burdensome procedural restrictions on cyber operations. Through Trumps Anti-Trafficking Coordination Team (ACTeam) initiative, Federal law enforcement more than doubled convictions of human traffickers and increased the number of defendants charged by 75% in ACTeam districts. Signed first-ever executive order to affirm that it is the official policy of the United States Government to protect patients with pre-existing conditions. He signed a bill this year allowing some drug imports from Canada so that prescription prices would go down. $ishomepage = is_front_page(); $bannerservice ='gtm'; Trump signed legislation forgiving Hurricane Katrina debt that threatened HBCUs. Belittled POWs and the war record of Sen. John McCain. He has to lead now. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. The texts show Hannity expressing concerns about would happen if then-President Donald Trump persisted in challenging the 2020 election results, and giving advice to Trump's aides regarding Jan. 6. Small business confidence hit a new high. AstraZenecas vaccine candidate reached the final stage of clinical trials. Signed an executive order to help Veterans transition seamlessly into the United States Merchant Marine. Confirmed 54 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, making up nearly a third of the entire appellate bench. Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan. My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans. Awarded over $333 million in Department of Labor grants to nonprofits and local and state governments for reentry projects focused on career development services for justice-involved youth and adults who were formerly incarcerated. Killed the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and eliminated the worlds top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani. This is true, though it is unclear how many people have been able to participate in it. Modernized medical records to begin a seamless transition from the Department of Defense to the VA. Announced Phase 3 clinical trials for varying types of blood thinners to treat adults diagnosed with COVID-19. Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded. 99. China agreed to purchase an additional $200 billion worth of United States exports and opened market access for over 4,000 American facilities to exports while all tariffs remained in effect. The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century. U.S. oil production recently reached an all-time high so we are less dependent on oil from the Middle East. If he were serious about doing so, he would push Republicans in the Senate to pass the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which Democrats passed last year. President Trump has called on Congress to pass school choice legislation so that no child is trapped in a failing school because of his or her ZIP code. Anyone can read what you share. He signed an executive order directing all agencies to repeal at least two existing regulations for each new regulation issued in the 2017 fiscal year and thereafter. Secured more than 90 percent of the worlds supply of Remdesivir, enough to treat over 850,000 high-risk patients. Promoted second chance hiring to give former inmates the opportunity to live crime-free lives and find meaningful employment. Household net worth rose $7.4 trillion in Q2 2020 to $112 trillion, an all-time high. And . Renewable energy production and consumption both reached record highs in 2019. The United States has among the lowest case fatality rates in the entire world. It also created a new tax credit for other dependents. Saudi Arabia has also trimmed its oil production more than 100 percent of the output cuts it agreed to under the January 2017 production deal. $ishomepage = is_front_page(); Finalized the interoperability rules that will give American patients access to their electronic health records on their phones. Launched an initiative to stop global freeloading in the drug market. Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canadas united bid for 2026 World Cup. Launched a new pro-American lesson plan for students called the 1776 Commission to promote patriotic education. 63. Signed the Save Our Seas Act to protect our environment from foreign nations that litter our oceans with debris and developed the first-ever Federal strategic plan to address marine litter. Trump appointed 5 openly gay ambassadors. "This was a riot that was unleashed, incited and inspired by the president of the United States," commentator Geraldo Rivera said on Hannity's Fox News show. Deployed tens of millions of tests to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), tribes, disaster relief operations, Home Health/Hospice organizations, and the Veterans Health Administration. Deregulatory efforts yielded savings to the medical community an estimated $6.6 billion with a reduction of 42 million hours of regulatory compliance work through 2021. Creation of more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs and manufacturing jobs growing at the faster rate in . Took action to require that hospitals make the prices they negotiate with insurers publicly available and easily accessible online. Repatriated over 100,000 American citizens stranded abroad on more than 1,140 flights from 136 countries and territories. American levels of particulate matter one of the main measures of air pollution are approximately five times lower than the global average. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider President Trump premised his 2016 campaign for the White House on keeping his promises, a pledge long ignored by lifelong politicians inside the beltway. 48. Finalized new H-1B regulations to permanently end the displacement of United States workers and modify the administrative tools that are required for H-1B visa issuance. Median household income has hit the highest level ever recorded. Former President Donald Trump announced a comeback presidential campaign in November. 105. Placed over 600,000 veterans into employment through American Job Center services. 106. Signed an executive order to fight kidney disease with more transplants and better treatment. Birth Country: United States. Established a task force to help combat the tragedy of missing or murdered Native American women and girls. Once you strip away the misleading claims from this . But the Fox News host struck a vastly different tone on the airwaves. Over 2,000 retail pharmacy stores, including CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens, are providing testing using new regulatory and reimbursement options. True. Made historic investments of more than $3 billion into the industrial base. Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded V.A. This is a tax break for those who send their children to private schools. Took action to promote technical education. Deployed the National Guard and Federal law enforcement to Kenosha to stop violence and restore public safety. Hispanic-American unemployment is at an all-time low. Prioritized fighting for the voiceless and ending the scourge of human trafficking across the Nation, through a whole of government back by legislation, executive action, and engagement with key industries. Since January 20, 2017, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed from 19,732 to 30,814 Friday up 56.2%. Led a coalition of countries to sign the Geneva Consensus Declaration, declaring that there is no international right to abortion and committing to protecting womens health. PDF The Accomplishments of President Trump The Democrats have spent the whole of . Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE. 41. Illegal crossings have plummeted over 87 percent where the wall has been constructed. 57. Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. Announced a $50 million donation on behalf of the United States to We-Fi providing more capital to women-owned businesses around the world. More Americans reported being employed than ever before nearly 160 million. The EPA delivered $300 million in Brownfields grants directly to communities most in need including investment in 118 Opportunity Zones. Mr. Trump promised in 2016 to end Common Core, but according to PolitiFact, 37 states still use some version of it. Signed landmark Prague Principles with Americas allies to advance the deployment of secure 5G telecommunications networks. Since that date the DOW has . The winning continued with more this year. Announced that Serbia would move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Far from being a champion of pay raises for federal workers, Mr. Trump proposed pay freezes for federal employees three years in a row; he was overridden by Congress. Appointed three Supreme Court justices, expanding its conservative-appointed majority to 6-3. Cut all funding to the United Nations population fund due to the funds support for coercive abortion and forced sterilization. Enabled Americans to file lawsuits against persons and entities that traffic in property confiscated by the Cuban regime. Destroying everything you have accomplished.". Made millions of vaccine doses available before the end of 2020, with hundreds of millions more to quickly follow. Authorized sanctions against bad actors tied to Syrias chemical weapons program. The Democrats have spent the whole of the Trump presidency trying to indict the President on a conspiracy . Whether youre a high school student or a late-career worker, theres never been a better time to learn a trade, hone a skill, or pursue your dreams. 13. Appointed a Special Envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism. Signed an executive order that ensures public universities protect First Amendment rights or they will risk losing funding, addresses student debt by requiring colleges to share a portion of the financial risk, and increases transparency by requiring universities to disclose information about the value of potential educational programs. 2023 iHeartMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Biden has also met two goals he'd set for his first 100 days in office first, 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, then, after achieving that goal on the 58th day of his presidency, 200 . The Trump administration championed these reforms. Trump administration will provide H.I.V. The previous administration added over 16,000 pages. And heres our email: [email protected]. ?>, Sean Hannity and Hannity.com 2023. The Commander-in-Chief addressed the nation from the White House lawn just hours after US and Canadian negotiators struck an 11th hour deal to replace NAFTA; calling the new policy the US-Mexico-Canada-Agreement -better known as USMCA. Launched the American Broadband Initiative to promote the rapid deployment of broadband internet across rural America. Guatemala and Tunisia opened up their markets to American eggs. to increase U.S. exports. Submitted 5 papers to the WTO Committee on Agriculture to improve Members understanding of how trade policies are implemented, highlight areas for improved transparency, and encourage members to maintain up-to-date notifications on market access and domestic support. Worked to advance a free and open Indo-Pacific region, promoting new investments and expanding American partnerships. Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic. Revitalized Project Safe Neighborhoods, which brings together Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement officials to develop solutions to violent crime. It was championed by a bipartisan group of lawmakers and passed unanimously in 2018. "Mark, the President needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. Blocked nominees to the WTOs Appellate Body until WTO Members recognize and address longstanding issues with Appellate Body activism. There is now a nonrefundable $500 credit for certain dependents who do not meet the child tax credit eligibility guidelines. Reduced approval times for major infrastructure projects from 10 or more years down to 2 years or less. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded a record $9 billion in grants to expand access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services to States and local communities. Reddit_The_Donald posted Sean Hannity's list of President Trump's accomplishments to date. Instead of 2-for-1, we eliminated 8 old regulations for every 1 new regulation adopted. Made a deal with the European Union to increase U.S. energy exports to Europe. The Trump administration updated the North American Free Trade Agreement, fulfilling a campaign promise. 42. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. NewscastStudio makes no claims to third party content contained in this video and no infringement is intended. Released legislative principles to end surprise medical billing. 38. The Army Corps of Engineers built 11,000 beds, distributed 10,000 ventilators, and surged personnel to hospitals. Imposed tariffs on China in response to Chinas forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices. Issued a rule strengthening Title IX protections for survivors of sexual misconduct in schools, and that for the first time in history codifies that sexual harassment is prohibited under Title IX. Its been circulating on social media for months. True. Brought unprecedented attention and support to combat the opioid crisis. The Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecuted more fentanyl traffickers than ever before, dismantled 3,000 drug trafficking organizations, and seized enough fentanyl to kill 105,000 Americans. 1: Unprecedented growth: Trump lit a bonfire under the U.S. economy when he cut maximum corporate tax rates from 35%, which at the time were among the world's highest, to 21%. Established the Etidal Center to combat terrorism in the Middle East in conjunction with the Saudi Arabian Government. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ have repeatedly notched record highs. This is hurting all of us. 2 min read. Lower investment cost and higher capital returns led to faster growth in the middle class, real wages, and international competitiveness. Answer (1 of 11): THIS IS WHAT HE'S REALLY DONE: This is a creature who's: Mocked a man with disabilities. He eventually gave military leaders more time after their objections. In the eight years prior to President Trumps inauguration, prescription drug prices increased by an average of 3.6% per year. Trump's eldest son and one of his most devoted loyalists, Donald Trump Jr., also begged Meadows to appeal to Trump. As NPR first reported, Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott warned colleagues "we can't give the crazies an inch." And yet, Hannity was among those who gave airtime to Trump's claims. Opportunity Scholarship program. Called on Congress to pass the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act to expand education options for 1 million students of all economic backgrounds. If a Democratic president had accomplished half of what President Trump has at this point in his presidency, the liberal media would be trying to put him on . 100. Defeated terrorists, held leaders accountable for malign actions, and bolstered peace around the world. Rapidly deployed the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, which provided $30 billion in support to farmers and ranchers facing decreased prices and market disruption when COVID-19 impacted the food supply chain. Fox's Sean Hannity reads a list of \"accomplishments\" of Donald Trump following the 2019 State of the Union. Topping the list was appointing Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Launched the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) with 13 other nations. Mr. Trump tweeted in support of this law and deserves credit for using the bully pulpit of the presidency to demand transparency in drug prices. 59. But enforcement has been spotty, and there has been little effort to hold hospitals to uniform standards, so it is still difficult if not impossible for consumers to compare costs, according to the journalism project Clear Health Costs. Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES. Appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Steadfastly supported the sanctity of every human life and worked tirelessly to prevent government funding of abortion. Business confidence is higher in America than in any other G7 or European Union country. The USMCA contains powerful new protections for American manufacturers, auto-makers, farmers, dairy producers, and workers. Signed 16 pieces of deregulatory legislation that will result in a $40 billion increase in annual real incomes. Some argue that a similar program that existed previously under the Food and Drug Administration was less risky. Cross-trained United States Border Patrol agents to conduct credible fear screenings alongside USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) adjudication personnel to reduce massive backlogs. Stopped the Federal funding of fetal tissue research. True. Sean Patrick Hannity [3] (born December 30, 1961 [4]) is an American talk show host, conservative political commentator, [5] [6] [7] and author. The European Union agreed to increase beef imports by 180 percent and opened up its market to more imports of soybeans. True. Endorsed by the 355,000 members of the Fraternal Order of Police. 84. This is misleading. Prevented Russian energy coercion across Europe through various lines of effort, including the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy Cooperation, civil nuclear deals with Romania and Poland, and opposition to Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Credited by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg for strengthening NATO. Companies have brought back over a TRILLION dollars from overseas because of the TCJA bill that Trump signed. Contracted with Honeywell, 3M, O&M Halyard, Moldex, and Lydall to increase our Nations production of N-95 masks. Private equity investments into businesses in Opportunity Zones were nearly 30 percent higher than investments into businesses in similar areas that were not designated Opportunity Zones. Ingraham, as well her colleagues Sean Hannity and Brian Kilmeade, urged Meadows to implore Trump to take the riot seriously and to work to protect his accomplishments as president . Many of these claims are broad, misleading or narrowly focused and could stand for a good fact checking. 56. Expanded access to telehealth, especially in rural and underserved communities. Implemented strong measures to stem hate crimes, gun violence, and human trafficking. But Hannity cut in and appeared to deflect blame from Trump, saying the president had sent tweets asking rioters to behave "peacefully" hours after the siege began. True. President Trump signed the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act that provides funding for states to develop maternal mortality reviews to better understand maternal complications and identify solutions & largely focuses on reducing the higher mortality rates for Black Americans. Trump signed an order allowing small businesses to group together when buying insurance to get a better price. Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades. Pledged not to lift sanctions until all political prisoners are freed; freedoms of assembly and expression are respected; all political parties are legalized; and free elections are scheduled. Won tariff exemptions in Ecuador for wheat and soybeans. Reformed Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs saving seniors 100s of millions of $$$ this year alone. Youth unemployment is at a 50-year low. 16. President Trump premised his 2016 campaign for the White House on "keeping his promises," a pledge long ignored by lifelong politicians inside the beltway. 5 of those 10 The list of POTUS 45's successes goes on and on " Kirkus Reviews (starred review) In this well-rounded, deeply-investigated biography, the first full look at the vice president, two award-winning journalists unmask the real Mike Pence Hargray Outage Today Hannity List Of Trump Accomplishments To Date Sean Hannity But . 70. More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history. The continued movement of food and other critical items of daily life distributed to stores and to American homes went unaffected. 75. 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Tomahawk Armory Cedar Lake, Articles H