repeating kindergarten for immaturity

Emily you are 100% percent correct! But then again I just cant understand why 1st grade cant help him write his letters perfectly? In one study, researchers associated this poor academic performance with repeating kindergarten. I think she meant years old not month old., my son is 6 year old the teacher told me he has to repeat kindergarten because he dont want to do his classwork and he does not follow directions what should i do plz help me. Please help! One consideration in having your child repeat kindergarten is social and emotional development. Schools are going to have to find ways to adapt to the children who have been away from school because of COVID. If they arent reading, it isnt even a question that they remain in kindergarten. Connecticut, one of the last states to allow 4-year-olds to enter kindergarten, is considering changing its rules so that children would have to be 5 by Oct. 1, not Jan. 1, prompting a fight over . My son has completely lost his memory of everything he studied or learned. Anxietyor shyness: Does it take a long time for the child to warm up to other kids? I have never had such a tough time with something. I was continuously told what an eager happy angel we had, however he never progressed to the standard. The teacher cant get him past level B, but Ive helped him with level C and D books before. During first year, was one of the youngest in the class. In most areas, children must turn 5 by September 1st, in order to start kindergarten. Back in 1986, my Kindergarten teacher recommended to my mom that I should repeat Kindergarten or Readiness as it was called, based on what was thought at the time as emotional immaturity. Using a tool called the Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale, Jones measured each child's general satisfaction with life as adolescents. Talking honestly but sensitively about their behavior is one way to start. While this justification has some merit, retention could actually be detrimental. Social interactment, discipline, only basic skills as for letters and numbers, and becoming more mature are the only skills needed for first grade. Sometimes, a repeat with interventions is still the better option. Joined Jan 1, 2006. Repeating a grade increases the risk. Media inquiries:[email protected](preferred) or646-757-3100. He has an attention issue. Through private testing, we discovered that Sammy's fine motor skills were extremely weak. Should you hold your child back from first grade and let her repeat kindergarten? May 30, 2013 #1 . It's no big deal. You have some options. As a speech language pathologist, I . These are only a handful of the academic skills that most graduating kindergartners have acquired, and if your child is lacking in several of them, he or she may be starting first grade with a deficit that can affect the entire year -- and the ones that follow. Just like I would rather her be a young 6 than a young 5 when starting kindergarten, I would rather her be a young 19 than barely-older-than-17 when she begins college (especially if she attends away from home). I totally feel you. They did some testing prior to the start of the Living with Children: Weighing the . I do know a few who "red shirted" due to perceived immaturity who regretted it once the kids hit jr high & high school., jodifla WDW lover since 1972. These policies typically focus on a student's chronological age when entering kindergarten. In our CA school kids are expected to be reading at a D level by the end of Kindergarten. Is your child curious and always wanting to learn new things? So now what should you do? Redshirting is the practice of postponing entrance into kindergarten of age-eligible children in order to allow extra time for socioemotional, intellectual, or physical growth. You feel confused. In spite of how often this happens, it can come to a shock when the kindergarten teacher asks to speak with you suggesting your child repeat kindergarten. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. They feel repeating would be a good option so his social/behavior/impulse control and executive functioning to catch up. Others may show immature behavior in certain settings or at certain times. Children who are behind in these areas late into kindergarten may: In deciding whether your child should repeat kindergarten, it is important to consider whether he has all the skills he needs to go on to first grade. It seems realistic to suggest that repeating kindergarten may not be the reason for their poor school performance. I was of the opposite opinion. Copyright 2014-2023 Understood For All Inc. developmental milestones at different ages, Annoying other kids by talking too much or barging in on their games, Overreacting to what seem like minor things and taking a long time to calm down, Clinging and not wanting to be apart from you, Having to be told the same rule over and over again, like Its not OK to climb on that furniture, Struggling with bathroom issues, like bedwettingor being afraid to poop, Being overly sensitive to things like loud noises or the way clothes feel, Using baby talk or speaking in ways that are hard to understand, Having trouble with things like putting on a coat or gripping a pencil. He gets out of school in 3 weeks and we are just hearing about this issue. Have you thought about holding your child back from first grade? My son is in what they call the foundation year, kindergarten. - My son will graduate high school and only be 17 years old. Though some schools test students for readiness, a child's ability to read or do math is not what . It does look as though you can argue against a decision to hold your child back. They need specific intervention. I served in the Army from 2006 to 2011 and deployed to Iraq twice, and then I graduated from Texas A&M University in May 2017. Those books he flies through them because he satisfied the teacher. ADHD is not a learning disability. Lets follow Finlands example. He will be turning 6 in a week here. "In addition to evaluating a child's social and emotional readiness for first grade, teachers now must consider specific grade-level standards instituted by the state or the school district," says Marilou Hyson, Ph.D., associate executive director for professional development at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), in Washington, D.C. As a result, more children are in danger of not passing muster. Shes says thats whats holding him back the fact hes not writing like he should. Just dont know why he can not put the sounds together to make the word?? As for seeing his friends going on ahead, I sympathize. In our case, we're considering whether to have our son repeat first grade. Once I got to middle school I started to notice that all the other kids looked really little. I can write his letters theyre just not perfect. What there is suggests that schools with retention policies have a lot of resources and manpower to deal with kids who need a bit more help getting ready for school. Through the year he attended, we had several conferences to discuss his progress. These teams usually made up of the teacher, an administrator, school-support personnel, and the parents can evaluate the situation, plan a course of action, and follow up on your child's progress. The study of 784 Texas school children followed from first grade until graduating or dropping out of school led by Dr. Jan N. Hughes, Professor Emeritus in educational psychology, found that even though grade retention in the elementary grades does not harm students in terms of their academic achievement or educational motivation at the transition to high school, it increases the odds that they will drop out of school before obtaining a high school diploma by 2.67 times. He is on an IEP for behavior and we have seen great improvement. So because he is not doing well with blending sounds and he only knew 55 words of 100 on a site word test. He is very smart he just had separation anxiety at first. Hes also on an IEP since the beginning of the year. Share what you observe with others, like parents, caregivers, teachers, or health care providers. Thirty of these families had chosen to redshirt their sons back in kindergarten, and 25 opted not to. He is very smart in my opinion, when he was 3 he could recite the pledge of allegiance and pledge to the Bible and much more. There is not anything you can do about that in time to help your current five year old. Thanks. Repeating a grade at this age can indeed be beneficial. Well email you our most helpful stories and resources. Assuming that a child who is deemed ready to enter Kindergarten at age four is somehow a super-child - perfect in behavior, attendance, performance, attitude, aptitude, diligence, handwriting, and . . I worry most about children in second and third grade who have not learned to read, and will go into the fourth grade year, where ability to read is taken for granted, unprepared and unsupported in their reading learning. The health and medical related resources on this website are provided solely for informational and educational purposes and are not a substitute for a professional diagnosis or for medical or professional advice. Thats awful she didnt speak up sooner! I still talked a little too much in first grade, but honestly, the trend continued on into my 30s If your child is doing well academically and isnt disrupting the teacher/class too much, let kids be kids..theyll be just fine! School!. Varda Meyers Epstein serves as editor in chief of Kars4Kids Parenting. Most school districts will inform you relatively early in the year if your child is at risk for retention. Ive asked multiple times to please send books home so I could help him with reading to give him the confidence he once had back, up Ive been denied every time with the excuse that he first needed to demonstrate his reading at schoolI even know their strategy that was confirmed by the teacher and still only a very few books sent home. Because there won't be any more school, in her opinion Julia should repeat kindergarten again. Was it the finger painting that did her in, or was it story time? Teachers often have good instincts, but not every teacher is great. There are lots of reasons kids might seem immature for their grade. oh and for the record Ive taught in Florida and Michigan. My kindergarteners are required to be able to read a level C book to move on to first grade. I literally did not care at all as a kid. Rather, it's about an overall picture of a child who may be too "young" -- physically, cognitively, socially or some combination thereof -- to thrive in first grade. It's about whether he or she is ready to make the jump to first grade. Here are more reasons kids may seem younger than other kids their age: Hyperactivity: Does the child seem to be driven by a motor, like the Energizer Bunny? Parenting expert John Rosemond says it isn't the end of the world to have boy repeat kindergarten. Second do you have any suggestions on how to teach him to blend sounds into words? First should we allow him to repeat kindergarten ? We found we had good results at home. He loves school and I would hate to give him the stigma of repeating when it's something he doesn't have control over. Julia Layton However, in years past, before standardized testing became so prominent, in the years when teaching to the test was an anathema, children learned to read in first grade. . Backing up . You can point out how their words or actions made you feel and ask them to be more sensitive in the future . But there is very little out there about holding a child back in kindergarten to wait another year before starting first grade. Requirements for first grade readiness vary from state to state. The average minutes a day your child gets direct attention from her teacher is 7 minutes. We attended class parties and could quickly realize the difference in maturity, knowledge and socializing shortcomings. These questions concerned me, but I knew that repeating kindergarten was the right thing for my son. That said, its important to note that learning disabilities may not even be diagnosed until the child goes to grade school. My mom refused to have me held back, as there was nothing wrong with my intellect; in fact, I surpassed my peers in reading skills, as I began reading simple words at age 2 1/2- 3 years old and read story books aloud to my Kindergarten class. Im so conflicted. He cries often, and doesnt follow directions very well, but loves to look at picture books and make up funny rhymes. You can go higher up to members of the local school board and explain how you feel. Try to get out of going to kindergarten each morning, Scribble instead of drawing or writing letters and numbers, Find it hard to stick with a task or pay attention to what the teacher is saying for five minutes at a time, Act out aggressively toward other students, Separate from his parent or caregiver without getting too upset, Notice and respond to other peoples feelings, Recognize his own name in print and write it, too, Draw a picture of an object or to express an idea, Count the objects in a group and tell you if one group is larger or smaller than the other, Understand that addition means putting groups together and that subtraction means taking away from one group, Break up objects into groups of different numbers to show how they add up to the same number (example: 6 balls = 2 groups of 3 balls or 6 balls = 2 groups of 1 ball and 5 balls), Figure out how to turn a group of 1 to 9 items into 10 (example: a group of 6 items and a group of 4 items =10 items), Use items or draw pictures to show and solve simple addition and subtraction word problems, Sort items according to size or color, for instance, Identify basic colors like red, orange, green, blue, black, and white, Use complete sentences of at least five words, Follow directions involving at least two steps, Hold a crayon or a pencil between his fingers rather than with a fist. So in the middle of this chaos comes Covid-19 shutting the school down on March 18th in our state. The most productive way to approach the topic, then, is from a neutral place. After multiple evaluations and what not the school has basically been recommending to promote. The Redshirting Trend: How to Know When to Start Kindergarten, Why Kindergarten Redshirting Was Right for Our Son, 8 Best Kindergarten Books to Get Your Kid Ready for School, Latest Results Show Math and Reading Scores PlummetedWe Need to 'Act With a Sense of Urgency' Says US Secretary of Education, 8 Tips To Help Black Families Prepare for School Emotionally, Dyslexia in Children: Everything Parents Need to Know, Why Classroom Clip Charts Do More Harm Than Good, School Supplies for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade, The School Leaders and Teachers Who Took a Stand Against Bans on Mask Mandates, Parents Are Going Back to School To Get Their High School DiplomasHow To Make It Work, Why We Need to Stop Outing LGBTQIA+ Students, Parents Can Have Back-to-School Anxiety TooHere's How toCope, Keeping Kids Safe at School During COVID-19, Parents of Immunocompromised Students Are Forced to Rely on Others to Keep Their Kids Safe and That's Not Fair, Why School Districts Are Rethinking Gifted & Talented Programs. The data also suggests that in spite of having all these resources and manpower, kids who repeat kindergarten dont do as well as their first or second grade classmates once they make it into those grades. This makes it difficult to get a sample group of very young students with diagnosed learning disabilities we can study. Now school is over and although his teacher told me throughout the semester that he will most likely be repeating kindergarten, the school promoted him to fist grade. Advice given here is not intended to provide a basis for action in particular circumstances without consideration by a competent professional. You knew that your child was close to the cut-off date for kindergarten. Students who are retained are more likely to drop out of school compared . My preschool teacher should have been aware of that. Because differences are our greatest strength. I bought ABC Mouse and downloaded many helpful learning programs. But know that teachers dont make the recommendation to repeat kindergarten without a lot of thought. He's well above average academically and he gets along great with the kids, but his teacher wants him to repeat kindergarten because he's socially immature. First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. Ugh. Grade Learn how to spot itand how to protect children of all ages from bullies at school. Check on the child's life situation. I now have a Bachelors and Masters Degree and taught 31 years. I am also currently looking into private tutor for my However, I believe talking with a school councilor, which we are going to do with ours, and also, having him tested by a very knowledgable but retired elementary teacher friend, is what we are going to do next and then keep researching for stat on this and what the experts say. Insecurity concerning her classroom authority will certainly compound any immaturity problems, especially with highly active boys.I would lean toward accepting the school's recommendation. Some children might suffer from the social stigma of repeating a grade and end up feeling embarrassed and ashamed, leading to a negative self-concept. Some children would benefit from repeating kindergarten. You can hire an education lawyer. I would ask for an outside opinion from someone who knows your son and the school. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review recently carried a story Kindergartners "Redshirted" to Gain Edge, in which Harvard researchers suggest that red shirting (1) increases the potential for high school drop outs and (2) threatens depressed lifetime earnings because the student's entry into the labor market is . I have almost a 10 year age difference in my kids. I have an almost 6 year old. He struggles with staying still. Hes always been a very busy boy. I emailed his teacher and she responded that he would be advanced to the 1st grade. Pros. It's about how developmentally ready he or she is for first grade at this moment in time -- and children will reach their milestones when they're ready. Ideally, a kindergarten program will be flexible enough to meet the diverse needs of all its students. An estimated 5 percent of kindergarteners spend a second year in the class [source: Mlyniec]. Not kind of reading but really reading. If it doesnt work out, youll worry about it when the time comes. Q: Even though he had an early-August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten this past fall at a private Christian school. Would retaining him be beneficial? But when a child often acts immaturely compared to other kids the same age, you may wonder whats going on. And while its bad, no point crying over spilled milk. 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. I knew my son was young entering kindergarten. For all anyone knows, your child could end up perfectly on track by the fall. Students are required to not only know ALL letters and sounds but all sight words by mid year. First, identify the reasons. He was always in trouble in kindergarten, had difficulty making and keeping friends, never did homework or classwork, could not focus, did poorly on tests. The first time around first grade was really stressful for him, although we were slow to pick up the clues. Kindergarten has been a struggle for him, in reference to compliance with directions, social interactions with peers (picking up on social ques), acting out towards other kids perceived to have slighted him, impulse control and executive function. The child is not repeating kindergarten. If a "growth year" is called for because of immaturity, and you choose to ignore the recommendation and move him into first grade at another school, there is significant likelihood that he will be . Im so upset! This may or may not be related to your child's actual age. Instead, I found myself teetering on a tiny chair while the teacher warned me that Sammy might have to repeat the year. Child. Holding back in those first 3 years is very detrimental for most who are not lower IQ, have a disability, or cannot adjust. Repeating kindergarten, preschool or even the first or second grade is often not a big deal and life goes on. However his fine motor skills need work. I taught gifted children in my career as a teacher who were held back in kindergarten by demanding and close minded teachers and parents. His academics are really good. Every week! Hes on the low end of the spectrum. Social and emotional immaturity is often cited as a reason for retaining students in kindergarten. Being retained had no effect on students' chances of graduating. I'm a Mom and a Music Teacher: Here's How I Nurture My Children's Love for Music, Bullying Is Harmful to Kids' Mental HealthSchool Solutions to the Problem Often Fail Black Children, Takes care of personal needs (going to the bathroom, zipping jacket), Understands common directional words (below, between, above), Knows alphabet and capital and lowercase letters, Understands story concepts of beginning, middle, and end, Can write a simple sentence with invented spelling. She only just turned 5 this month while the other students are all turning 6. C books are recommended, but not required. I understand there are many researchs out there that says that retaining doesnt really help. They did some testing prior to the start of the This study was from Taiwan where the cut-off date, similar to the U.S., is August 31. I know I am extremely late to this article, but both my twin brother and I repeated Kindergarten during the 1993-1994 school year. 7y. She said he will not make it in first grade. Does he know how to compromise and adapt? I feel that not only with his issues but that Covid gave us a perfect chance to mulligan the previous year. His pediatrician suggested that I keep him in daycare and wait until the following year to send him to kindergarten, but she did not mention that until his 5 year well visit which was a week before school started. Im having the opposite problem. I've done a lot of research and it's the general consensus that grade . I am a teacher, and I HAVE reevaluated after many years of thinking what is not analytically true. Communicate. I am not sending him to first grade. So I can see this both ways. The study found that delayed entry was most common for . Babies are born with immature immune systems. He ended up repeating Kindergarten and is doing great, having just finished 7th grade. Repeating Kindergarten. Babies' immune systems begin to mature soon after birth. These test results were always provided in graph format. However, because kids often make sudden leaps in development later in the year, it can be hard to predict their performance in first grade. This is not about how smart or good or "normal" your child is. For a child who is behind his or her peers, these potential positives are real and significant. Shes also going to attend a reading program over the Summer. He was immature socially and emotionally but was sight reading at 4. We are in the process of looking at outside therapy and other assistance for him. Have . This will be much easier if you're honest, telling your parents you love to spend time with them but unfortunately doing so at their house is a not negotiable. Holding back where . My daughter is behind and her teacher wants to retain her. (June 7, 2012), Mlyniec, Vicky. The students in this study, however, had a far higher rate of learning disabilities than their peers. For some children, a bridge class between kindergarten and first grade offers time to grow. So here in 2020, I find this article. This, in my opinion could greatly help my son with almost zero downside. The teachers have not been taught what dyslexia is and IS NOT. Julie Rawe is the special projects editor at Understood. It can be a better fit emotionally and age-wise. Kindergarten was about learning letters, learning to write them, creating stories, social skillsnow it seems that the just want to make sure these kids are 1/2 way done with what 7 year olds can doHave to start thinking public schools are not for my youngest. Acting immature can be a sign that kids are struggling and need more support. The truth is, development among kindergarten-age children varies tremendously. The research is very clear that even if children are not ready academically or emotionally they do not benefit from retention. We were told today that we should leave her back because she isnt progressing at the pace of other Kindergartners. . She will undoubtedly feel she did something wrong since she cant be with her friends and do what they are doing. Published August 17, 2017. Studies have shown that by the time they enter middle school, kids who repeated kindergarten are more likely to get into trouble, dislike school, and feel bad about themselves. My son turned 5 a week before the deadline. Read David Elkinds Miseducation and look up the High Scope program. Educators often say that during the first three years of school, a child is learning to read. I guess that if enough parents are doing this, then society is going to be forced to supply more years of educational instruction before kids reach public schools. My frustration is with the teacher and her seeming intent in holding my little guy back for whatever reason by not supplying the tools necessary to help him be successful in kindergarten. 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