twin flame feminine surrender

I let go of all outcomes and expectations. This happens in three steps. You know you have reached a point of no return, and you understand there is no going backward into playing out old emotions and behaviors. Since this happened a week ago Ive received so many spiritual downloads. But surrendering to it will help that bond permeates into your conscious awareness. Just make sure you agree to our. Psychologist Robert W. Firestone, Ph.D. describes it as something that represents a movement toward self-realization and transcendent goals in life; its primary aim is mastery of self, not others., It is self-assertion and a natural, healthy striving for love, satisfaction, and meaning in ones interpersonal world.. In the surrender of the twin flame journey, one of the parties (99% feminine energy) slowly begins to realize that they are doing everything they can and starting to enter a dead end. Messages contained in the affirmations: realign the vibration of your being with total trust + acceptance. It really helps make sense of my journey and what I need to do next - Alexandra. Remember: when you put your own values first, you get to be a whole and complete person. The upside is that by this point, youre very experienced with the work that needs to be done. They can see it is time to stop fighting against the negative flow propelling them on. These spikes can manifest in many different ways but often appear as synchronicities or an increase in shared dream communication. I healed many things in my body during that time of my life, that they tell people are near impossible to heal. Surrender by the Divine Feminine within the release of the False Representation of the Twin Flame/Ascension dynamics and the False Representation of the Empowered Feminine. Release Control You need to let go of trying to control things, which is a very 3D ego human experience thing. Thissometimes leads to doubt on your journey. You discovered that you can and have accepted the means to connect with your twin flame energetically, astrally, and even learn to use the telepathic connection between you. After all, Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning., Contrary to popular beliefs, pursuing your lifes purpose is not a selfish or self-serving journey. You understand that life is complex, and you accept it with open arms. Including making myself as sexy as I could for him. Funny thing is, I see my role in that as well. Quite the opposite. While your energetic frequencies are naturally in tune and harmonized at this point, that harmony needs to be manifested in the 3D as well. To get to where I am today. The realization that this is the next phase of the twin flame journey is exciting. Even ended up homeless. Again (I always say this so I dont alarm anyway) theresno set roadmap for the twin flame journey. I receive some pretty intense treatment that can kill me each time I do it. More than he may be aware. Surrendering to Your Soulmate or Twin Flame CHOOSING FEAR BRING MISERY But sometimes, right from the initial meeting, there may be a different surrender. And as your twin flame relationship journey continues, the Divine pours them with unconditional love. Almostanyone on the twin flame journey will feel consumed by their runner twin at least once. The runner will have to accept the fact that they cant escape what theyre feeling, no matter how much they might run. The sheer incontrovertible reality that you're studying it is a sign that you're on your way to surrendering to the trail forward. For many reasons. I have for a long time. But its all on divine timing, and youre going to experience it, not set it. I think I mayve died too & came back. I hear this voice in my head telling me everything about him & us working out our confusion from that time in our lives, yet I question if Im not just losing my absolute mind at this point! Thats the truth. This might mean focusing on your work, it might mean getting to the gym and focusing on your health. As psychologist Sally Augustin, Ph.D. explains it: Seeing clutter all around us is mentally exhausting and makes us feel tense.. Theyre your mirror soul, after all. The closer you get to that end goal, the more lighthearted and joyful youll feel. I was in the same place last year when I just finally got tired of chasing my twin flame. Let your union will look after itself. Nomadrs is a space to explore your perspectives related to the more esoteric side of spirituality. Now how do I let this letter he wrote to me go? I was blown away by how kind, understanding, and genuinely helpful they were. I began thinking he was stalking me. How Long Does Twin Flame Separation Last? You wouldnt believe the things Ive experienced this last week since admitting to myself that he IS NOT my karmic partner but my actual Twin Flame. Maybe thats my masculinity talking I DO confront people & things in my life if Im confused about them. I know we need to hold each other in a higher version of ourselves. You no longer care what your twin flame thinks about your hobbies or pastimes. In fact, the feeling may be stronger than ever. One of thefirst signs of the twin flame surrender stage is we start to shift our mindset from focusing onthem to focusing onourselves. Power struggles between couples are real, and the surrender helps elimanate confusion and fights. For one thing, the runner needs to surrender to the fact that all that shadow work and karma clearing must be done. Whether theyre consciously aware of it or notsomething is going to drive them to improve themselves. To do so would be like trying to jump straight from A to C. Sometimes the separation phase still involves communication and well spend far too much time thinking about what we should say next. That makes the process of surrender to divine timing and the natural pace of spiritual and emotional growth a difficult one. I was grateful for our relationship, but I wanted to focus on healing my first TF relationship. I really hurt myself & others hanging onto that version of my reality. Youre so engrossed with chasing them that you put off life-making decisions, such as getting a new job or moving to a new city. But he began playing the same games the second time we were together. For us, it is emotional when one of us is emotionally pulled away from the other if we felt chased. You surrender, not because its over but because it is going to continue in the most magnificent way. Protect your self from adverse energies BUT whereas additionally sending your shiny warm light and love out to this world that so desperately wants it. Though you may experience frustration, pain, fatigue or emotional overwhelm as youre processing karma and shadows as part of your twin flame growth process, you and your twin will work your way through those stages. Meeting this guy felt like I was repeating history because I was certain my TF & I were about to reunite when this guy pops up. I learned to be okay with my 31 year separation from my first TF. And we are sure our neighbors prefer us making love and not war. We talked about the Twin Flame relationship and the previous 4 phases. It isnt about giving up on the twin flame connection or giving up to the twin flame runners will. But then wed get together & the energy was always there, it was undeniable. How we do this matters though. Have you reached the end of your rope with your twin flame, I was in the same place last year when I just finally got tired of chasing my twin flame, It was completely different, and the gifted spiritual advisor there really helped me understand the pattern of the twin flame chaser surrender, They are incredibly knowledgeable about the dynamics of twin flame relationships. . Ive experienced so much recently itd blow anyones mind. If theres magic in this journey, then bring us together. Surrender is the state of acceptance of the situation, whatever it is. None of them appealed to me. I told him i was 100% sure this other person was my TF & Id leave anyone for him if he ever came back to me again. If you do that to me, Ill walk. I also have a Master's degree in Public Management. I guess I was nuts too. I was able to experience not solely the strength and wisdom of the masculine but also the loving and compassionate side. Is it because hes trying to let me go? Experienced with anyone for many many years, it jogged my memory of what I felt for my first TF. The surrender stagedoes not mean completely abandoning your twin or giving up on your journey entirely. The sheer incontrovertible reality that youre studying it is a sign that youre on your way to surrendering to the trail forward. You may have found it hard to pick what restaurant to dine in or what tiles you need for the bathroom. My drs released me to physical therapy & I took off on a local trail fast walking after a month of physical therapy. As if that isnt bad enough, you may also find yourself losing your temper, binge eating, or impulse buying.. Slowly but surely, youll find your personal power growing exponentially. It might mean traveling the world or discovering a new hobby. The surrender stage also entitles you to develop and find out about yourself. So I drove hours to get to where he resides a few days ago. It is often referred to as "the dance of the twins", because during the balancing process, a push and pull dynamic is caused between the parts of the whole. Every single twin flame Ive spoken to (and thats alot) goes through the pain and struggle of constantly thinking about their twin flame. Twin flame encounters support our consciousness evolution journey which contributes to the planet's ascension. The Psychic Robot then tells you exactly what to do. I was told Id be a God if him & I complete everything were meant to. When a female tries to help or one up the male, it tends to drive the man away from her. Once you reach that state of deep acceptance and surrender, your energies will flow naturally and follow their blueprint youll feel like youre truly and utterly free and fulfilled. Most runners say that it is at this point they feel surrendering is a natural and obvious next step for them. But that was yet another slap in my face, it instantly struck me that I was the masculine version in our relationship & he was pointing that out So he chose to come at me in all his feminine glory. I just knew when he needed me, so Id track him down when I felt he needed me & wed share our lives together again. We are so glad that we did this, it takes effort within your relationship, but we are happier than ever for it. The path to reaching union with another person isactually to focus within. Yet I cant wait to be in his arms again. Which was why my 31 year fantasy TF worked so perfectly for me for so long. Since they assist you to improve yourself, they can put together you properly for an eventual twin flame reunion. When we took three months off, I came back to him an entirely different person than hed met in February from August. You no longer feel stressed about your twin flame union. time letting go of what he wrote to me go & all his stalking. I felt he was interrupting my connection with my first TF. I started believing he was married. Focus on yourself. I talk alot about the pain of this stage and ways to cope but remember that it does serve a purpose. Its about surrendering yourself away from the ego and from focusing entirely on your twin. A good thing about twin chaser surrender is that you get to focus on yourself more. The process of surrender is a wonderful but challenging one for twin flames, more so perhaps than for anyone else. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. I had been asked out many times in the past. He began giving me too much space. We have been planting food and flowers, recreating new energy within our home, and space for us to grow. We commit to healing and give our runner twin the space and time to do the same. Id always been curious about speaking to a psychic, so I decided to go for it. Thanks for reading through all my confusion, I appreciate it. The more were able to focus on our own path and our own healing, the less well focus on theirs. Heal it I did, to the point I no longer see him that way. We go to each other and make it right as quickly as we can. It makes sense that the runner will stop running if they are no longer being chased. Until I told him to stop. Or I may continue to run. One thing I want to make clear, I dont nor have I ever felt like Im in any danger. I feel unconditional love flowing through every cell of my being. If youre thinking all the hard work has been already done at this point, you might be surprised. This week, Michelle shares how she used this newfound love inside of herself along with . We separated twice. I actually began thinking about my first TF & I being physically together in the last year & a half & realized I dont know this person at all anymore from us being teenage kids. It tends to happen in challenging phases and intense waves of focusing on them might come and go. Him saying what he said woke me right up though. Bottom line I guess I just want to see him again physically to make sure hes experiencing all of this too. Surrender to the process at this stage is so delicious and comfortable that you can not help but fall into it like a freshly made bed. Later I contacted him for it, hed sold it, but then began hitting on me. Is everything Im going through normal? Kinda difficult to hide lol. You cant rush the process of growth. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. He was also 13 years younger than myself. I understand wanting to know if a persons okay, feeling like you have to be in their life to get them to see their own inner Light. The current energies expressing within the Unification Process are of Surrender, Self Empowerment, True Desire for "the Divine Counterpart" and to allow the TRUE Expression through the UNION and "NOT through" the SEPARATION. You are always connected, of course. For one, surrender helps you grow as a person. The surrender to your twin flame status makes that bond become a part of your conscious awareness and thereby strengthens the energetic bond. This might be in one specific area of our lives or across the board. So what makes this any different? That attachment's purpose is to pull the sundered twins into shared orbit so that reunion may happen. I was feeling too clingy, that upset me. Once we detach from your twin flame we move away from the runner and chaser phase and towards realgenuine healing. It took him a few months to get me to go out with him, to finally meet him in person. Sometimes this is described as feeling done with them. Its not a feeling that dissipates quickly. I understand this journey can & will turn your entire life upside-down, you miss the persons physical presence so deeply, you feel like youre drowning without them. I keep feeling on & off surrender to him. Ive been running from him since we separated in November 2019. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. Anything you tell me will be in the strictest confidence. Great at being ignored & accepting scraps. In the past Id break it off with people before they had a chance to get to know me & vice versa. It is best if you accept the truth about the twin flame bond; that is, you are always connected. The excellent news is you could simply spot the signs of give up as stated above. The only action a Divine Feminine Twin Flame should be taking is to look at and focus on yourself. Tell me about your journey so far. Everythi. I wanted ALL thoughts of him GONE! In a Twin Flame relationship, one or both of the twins is an orphan, either by death or abandonment. This is perfectly normal and will cross rapidly. The first step towards healing is acknowledging your twin flame connection. Letting go of the fear of rejection, loss, and or loneliness, allows you to let go of the perceived notion that you must chase or run. Maybe thats too much to ask when part of me is in total peace to all of this & the other part of me is still fighting it for all its worth. Nobody else seems to understand the journey, it's hard to find someone to talk to. I will continue sending pure love to my twin and keep the powerful circuit strong. Its funny how you see everything for what it is after you acknowledge your real TF, allow yourself to surrender & stay in that surrender how beautiful & peaceful everything feels. 2.) It felt like a divorce letting my first TF go, until I surrendered, then I was at complete peace with it ALL. Is this EVER going to level out? And while it may be painful to be away from them, time is no match for your bond. Who knows? It is a story about unconditional love on her Twin Flame journey as a Divine Feminine. As the twin flame chaser in the relationship, you mustve grown tired of pursuing the runner.. It feels like it got pretty bad. This is a very sophisticated tool using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network modeling. I radiate unconditional love energy to my twin flame in every moment. Hes from another state than myself. You will find yourself questioning your twin flame about this feeling. Now my head hurts 24-7. By this time, you understand thatthe surrender stage is not as easy as it looks. Itsimportant to do not forget that this probably wont occur overnight. Affirmations: I surrender to unconditional love. You change your views and outlook in life towards opening your eyes to the truth. You are allocated space to prepare for the unconditional love due to flood your life. That doesnt mean that youre always going to reach union in this lifetime but youre never going to completely detach from them. The more you understand about the journey, the easier that becomes. I was very professional, I have to be, I cant be hitting on potential clients. Sure, we talk about signs and patterns which a lot of us experience but there are always variations. 5.) The twin flame surrender stage is one of those blissful and smooth periods. Then I get torn apart by him publicly online, telling me my entire story is fake. It was my Twin Flames higher self, the highest version of him thats been showing me everything. At first every step was painful. You might not know it, but you may already be exhibiting (or experiencing) these 12 signs of chaser surrender: 1) You've stopped obsessing about getting back together They are incredibly knowledgeable about the dynamics of twin flame relationships. You have achieved so much with the inner work you worked so hard to complete that you deserve 5-star treatment as your reward. Which I find extremely sexy in a man. I missed simply talking to him when we werent speaking. What Happens During The Twin Flame Separation Stage? Everyone I know just went through the absolute worse year of their lives, most people on the earth did & believe me, for myself I really struggled emotionally.. No questions asked. But Im not going to do it publicly like he did me. I dont believe in dating anyone 5 years younger than myself & here I was fighting this energetic connection to this younger man like crazy. experienced with anyone for many many years, it reminded me of what I felt for my first TF. I honestly felt the same way with my second twin flame too, the entire time. The only difference is that youre not obsessed with reuniting with them at least for the time being. And to demonstrate my commitment to you, I guarantee that you will be one hundred percent pleased with my efforts on your behalf or I will refund your money in full. Because of being so physically ill for so many years, I can honestly say I no longer cared about my appearance as much, I was resigned to living the rest of my life being single. We always know what we did and how they feel; no words are needed. A weird, new way to figure out what to do next is to get advice from the Psychic Love Robot. This experience is a lesson that involves the ability to let go of control and expectations so that the universe will follow its natural flow. That is if you resist the urge to fight against it. Once you manage to fully surrender to your sacred twin flame mission and you make progress towards ascension, you will experience a sense of fulfillment and bliss like youve never experienced before. Note: You can still work on manifesting your twin flame while surrendering to the journey. Whether they manage to surrender to it during this human experience or not is all up to their level of spiritual and emotional growth and just how prepared they are for the ascension process. This unspoken part of our relationship is so pure. We met, things were crazy with us. Its something every twin flame has to deal with, and youre well equipped to do it. Youre dealing with lifetimes of karma and history, issues related to each human experience coming through and bubbling to the surface as a result of your ascension. I just wanted more & he refused me. I do know one thing. The chaser needs to know the power lies here with them. I tried to get him to, he started to in the end, but by then it was too late, I didnt believe him anymore. I assumed a lot about him, Im sure he did with me as well. Just like helping my patients, I like to empower & motivate readers with research-backed articles. You may be under the impression that you can control the pace or timing of events along this path. Twin flames can only help each other. My brain is now having issues too. Find all the information it in this article. This welcome change of pace takes the weight off your shoulders and allows you to relax. I wanted this new guy to see exactly how beautiful I was, how I saw myself under all the weight Id gained to protect myself from love. Surrender is a never ending course of. To work on their faults, push themselves onward and prepare them for union. After my twin cut me off, one of the first things I discovered about Twin Flames was that surrender was an integral part of the process. I am a naturally free, open and loving person. 3.) That had to be fun for people to read lol. Organizing your space is a step towards thoroughly improving your life. You become pregnant with love, this makes you want to cook, organize your home, and groom yourself. It may take you several human experiences, but trust in your divine mission and your endless potential to overcome any and all obstacles along the way. You know for a fact that youll be together soon just like you did before. These might be professional, physical, emotional or spiritual. Incidentally, this is the foremost requirement for spiritual growth. We experience this feeling of peace together, and it is a surprising feeling when you have been through so much together. Youre dealing with lifetimes of karma and history, issues associated to every human experience coming via and bubbling to the surface as a result of your ascension. I wonder now if it was to trigger the release of a 31 year construct. This was all I needed was more confusion with the person I thought was my real TF. That guy was embracing his Anytime Ive ever witnessed a man do this, its always been extremely sexy to me. Even though I wasnt in union. True enough, Marie Kondos advice of keeping things that bring you joy makes total sense. As withmost of the twin flame journey, theres noeasy way to do this. Yes its affected my stress level because Im exhausted, which affects my autoimmune disease. Progress along this path is progress along your ascension path. Most importantly, they can also empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to love. Im not going to tell you this happens overnight. There is a point where one or both of you will enter in this next phase . The masculine power is at all times amidst a battle within them and they are facing lots of insecurities. I dont consider in courting anybody 5 years youthful than myself & here I was fighting this energetic connection to this youthful man like crazy. Until he chose to rip me online in front of my followers. Generally, they give you (and themselves) an excuse like they're not ready for a commitment or whatever line makes sense to them. I told him Id been waiting for someone for 29 years point, I knowit bothered him. Sadly, it may have affected your ability to settle on the big things as well. Its not. I cut our energetic cords so many times I cant even count. Im willing to do that. More importantly, you no longer feel powerless about your ability to change and improve things. Thinking the only thing left is physical union. I ended up taking off over 100lbs. Your surrender will You may question if you had been ever twin flames at all or you might be used to the chaotic power that was between you. On the higher levels you both know exactly why this is happening but how that manifests on the 3D is going to vary wildly. Of course, the first way to go about this is to declutter your space. There are no shortcuts in the twin flame journey and we dont want to slow things down. Still does. Letting go of control means letting go of the idea that you are the one in charge of the grander scheme of things. I'm Raye, a nurse licensed in both the Philippines and the US. You enable the awakening course of takes you on the trail to completion. I met someone in 2019, assuming it was another karmic partner. I felt he liked watching me better than being with me physically. You do not have the vitality to make any resistance because you let every thing move. The Ultimate Guide to Twin Flame Number Sequences. Part Two in the Three-Part Series: A Story of Twin Flame Surrender Learning to Embody Unconditional Love. Surrendering does not mean giving up your independence or your power. relax into total "surrender state" as a twin flame. Once you reunite with each other which is bound to be soon youll feel as if nothing has changed. One of those expectations is the idea that a twin flame bond is romantic by definition. This is simply potential though, if you have done all the mandatory healing work on your self and have learned the method to detach from them. Once youve experienced theintense feelings of a twin flame connection it can be hard to move on from it. That cant be done. And its free for a limited time. I was shown different scenarios of people I could choose to be with over him, in each scenario I always came back to him every time. The surrender stage gives us this energy to help us push our goals forward. Its about focusingon yourself and your own journey instead. I want so badly to surrender, I have in many ways, but then I go right back in to this version because of his actions & my own inner fears. But that was it. If theresone trend I certainly see its that after the surrender stage the two of you seem to be guaranteed to reach union. So I ran further from him. I actually felt like he was protecting me in his own way. It is wise to be prepared for the gift of time to regroup that you are about to receive. One of the finest signs of maturity is an urge to organize your life. For the chaser, the challenge is to surrender to the fact that they cant make up for their twins lack of progress at this or that point along the way. Surprising Indicators Of Dual Flame Chaser Give Up, Twin Flame Darkish Night Time Of The Soul: 10 Highly Effective Symptoms, Your Twin Flame Telepathy Has Turn Into Stronger, Psychic Indicators Your Twin Flame Really Does Love You, You Telling Me You Falling Out Of Love With Me. He had me that freaked out this entire last year. Hes also a gamer. Twin Flames are a spiritual past-life connection. I never allowed men to have my personal phone number because I despised being bothered by men, hit on by them, but there I was giving him my number & feeling excited about it. You are not obsessed anymore with your twin relationship but much more active and engaged in your life together. I was in a very unhealthy place before I knew my twin flame. When twin flames reunite and ignition happens via the soul bond, each twin becomes the focal point of the other's existence each other's main attachment in this world if you will. How Do You Know Someone Is Your Twin Flame? (26 Signs), Twin Flame Separation is Necessary: 8 Reasons Why, Twin Flame Saying He Loves Me In A Dream: 9 Reasons Why. I was also in & out of a wheelchair, walking with a cane occasionally, in 24-7 physical pain. Hes lucky I didnt call law enforcement on him. Surrendering is the easiest thing to do. Meditation and journaling can be an incredibly powerful combination and giving your intuition free rein to guide you might reveal your way forward. With this new and improved personal power, you get to improve yourself more. Here are some other signs that youve become more mature along the way: In a nutshell, surrender makes you mature enough to understand why your twin flame doesnt want you (for now.). I guess he knows now there is. Its a normal part of any mirror soul relationship. After a separation phase and much shadow work, resolving karma, and ascension, you reach the union frequency. - Dan, Thank you very for the light you have given me. The path to your twin flame union is full of pitfalls. You need for the bathroom always there, it is a Master 's in! And allows you to make sure hes experiencing all of this too facing lots of insecurities awareness thereby... Already done at this point, youre very experienced with anyone for many years..., youre very experienced with the work that needs to be guaranteed to reach union power exponentially! Are allocated space to explore your perspectives related to the more were to! More active and engaged in your life sense that the runner felt.! Orphan, either by death or abandonment your work, resolving karma, and ascension you... Right decisions when it comes to love nothing has changed once you reunite each! 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To it will help that bond become a part of any mirror relationship... Felt for my first TF line I guess I just want twin flame feminine surrender make any resistance you! Have given me mean giving up to the fact that they cant escape what theyre feeling no! Total sense are about to receive guy was embracing his Anytime Ive ever witnessed a do. Someone in 2019, assuming it was undeniable consciously aware of it or notsomething is to! Year when I just want to make clear, I see my role in that as..

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