did snape know voldemort would kill him

Did Snape know Voldemort would kill him? Why did Voldemort not know Harry was the last Horcrux ... Sure, he knew about the Horcruxes, but he didn't know he was the last Horcrux. This would have given him an excellent position inside Hogwarts when Voldemort . The final duel wasn't really a due. Why did Voldemort order Nagini to kill Snape after ... Voldemort was disembodied, and Harry was left with a mysterious, lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead as a result. Who Did Voldemort Kill For Nagini? Archived [Spoiler] Why do you think Snape decided not to fight back when Voldemort cornered him? And Albus Dumbledore seems to know this at once. He accepted that he had to die so Voldemort can be killed, so he went willingly and let Voldemort kill him without a fight. Why did Voldemort agree to not kill Lily? : harrypotter Voldemort killed Snape instead of disarming him because: … Voldemort believed that the wand only changed loyalty when the owner was killed by a wizard because snape killed Dumbledore and got ownership of the wand. In the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 movie, Voldemort kills Snape because of a misconception. 9. After Lord Voldemort's rebirth, Karkaroff left Hogwarts and hid in a shack. Although Snape's knowledge of the Dark Arts enabled him to slow the spread of the curse, the curse would have ultimately killed Dumbledore within a year. Basically, Snape would have had no way of knowing that Voldemort was under the turban. How Dumbledore knows this is not really important. Was Snape willing to let Harry die to kill Voldemort for Lily or did he know he might survive So in the books that comes off like Snape is disappointed that Harry might not survive in Dumbledore finally reveals to Snape the Voldemort hasta kill Harry. So snape betrayed Voldemort and went to Dumbledore telling him what was going to happen. Incredible PC game bundle, from $10. In The Deathly Hallows Part 2, Voldemort meets Snape at the Boathouse and tells him that, even though he took the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's grave, it doesn't seem to work properly for him. Voldemort assumed that even though Nagini is the one killing Snape, the order was his, and therefore nothing would go wrong. He used his snake to kill Snape. How Did Snape Betray Voldemort. The rebounded curse caused a shred of Voldemort's already mutilated soul to be ripped from his destroyed body. Basically, Snape would have had no way of knowing that Voldemort was under the turban. He never struck me as being particularly kind and understanding to the … Voldemort then tries to kill their infant son, Harry, but the spell rebounds back upon him, destroying his body. This event marked the end of the First Wizarding War. Who were the 6 missing Death Eaters? Snape loved Lily more than he loved himself. 2. Snape loved Lily more than he loved himself. Why didn't Snape tell Dumbledore about Quirrell? Others cannot Kill Harry till Voldemort is alive; Let me Explain By Using Harry's Blood to resurrect Himself, Voldemort got rid of the Maternal Protection offered to Harry, but at the same time, gave Harry his own protection :) :) Voldemort chose Harry as he believed Harry was the most danger to him and he saw himself in Harry before even seeing him. Little did Voldemort know, Draco Malfoy was actually the master of the wand as he was the one to disarm Dumbledore, who had previously told Snape to kill him when the time came. Why did Voldemort kill Lily and James? Voldemort makes the bubble encase Snape to his shoulders and orders Nigini to kill Snape. 3. Voldemort simply said that he'd offer Lily a way out. 9 comments. If they had been really on the ball it might have been possible to Transfigure Snape into a suitcase or something, to put his condition on hold until he could be got to a hospital. They agreed that Snape had to kill Dumbledore in stead of Draco, so Voldemort would trust him. but in reality, Harry was the master of Elder Wand. Posted by 10 months ago. But basically he claimed he wanted Harry alive for several reasons 1) pure curiosity as to how he survived and defeated Voldemort 2) wanting to prove allegiance to Dumbledore or at least not taint it by letting Harry get killed. Since Snape was the one to kill Dumbledore, Voldemort logically concluded the Elder Wand was his and so he had to kill Snape to gain mastery of the wand. There are only really two ways Voldemort could have found out: from his spy Pettigrew, or from Snape himself. Voldemort murdered Harry's parents, James and Lily, but as a result of his mother's love and willingness to sacrifice herself for him, baby Harry survived when Voldemort tried to murder him with a Killing Curse. The attack at Godric's Hollow took place on 31 October ( Hallowe'en ), 1981, which was a Wednesday. Why did Voldemort kill Nagini? He didn't tell Snape everything because, let's face it, Snape was a double-agent. Leave your opinions in the comments below . So the answer to your question is, in summary, that there is actually no evidence that Voldemort did not know or suspect that Harry was a horcrux, and logic and reason suggest that he did. Voldemort had a huge ego and his radical ideas came from this ego, as well as his fear of death. Giving Nagini the order to kill, indirectly would have led him to win the Wand's allegiance as per him, without any side-effects. But as soon as Harry defeats Voldemort, with Harry now admiring Snape he runs as fast as he could to The Shrieking Shack, rescues Snape taking him to the hospital wing with Snape being injured like McGonagall was in Order Of The Phoenix and Severus survives and makes an appearance in Epilogue at 57 years old. spoiler. Except Voldemort didn't know that Dumbledore had the Elder Wand until the seventh book. On the night of All Hallows' Eve 1981, James and Lily Potter are murdered by Lord Voldemort. Karkaroff served Lord Voldemort during the First Wizarding War, but was one of the Death Eaters who attempted to avoid being imprisoned in Azkaban. Why was the philosopher's stone valuable to Voldemort? Yes, and Snape did to. [Spoiler] Why do you think Snape decided not to fight back when Voldemort cornered him? Did Voldemort kill karkaroff? I know it was because Snape asked him to, but why did he agree to that? He just accepted death. Harry goes straight to the forest and Voldemort attempts to kill him, destroying the horcrux and severing their connection forever. …. Click to see spoiler. Voldemort then tries to kill their infant son, Harry, but the spell rebounds back upon him, destroying his body. This would have given him an excellent position inside Hogwarts when Voldemort . The problem was that Voldemort did not know that disarming a elder wand holder makes you the master. Then Snape would have died in an instant. Voldemort was wary of using the Elder Wand against the person he thought was its master, so he thought of another method that would work. His resemblance to James just made things easier for him to express his hate. This voluntary death had a secondary purpose, as Dumbledore hoped that it would cause his Elder Wand to lose its allegiance from not being won via force . However, Voldemort's Death Eaters found him and killed him. . On the night of All Hallows' Eve 1981, James and Lily Potter are murdered by Lord Voldemort. Snape reluctantly agreed. He wanted to kill harry, and them trying to protect harry meant they had to be killed cause they got in the way. He asked Snape to use the Killing Curse on him when the time came because he did not want Draco to have to kill him, saying that the boy's soul was still intact; Draco's soul would have been damaged in killing Dumbledore out of malice, whereas Snape was fully aware that he would be merely sparing Dumbledore pain and But why didn't he kill Snape with The killing Curse instead of having Nagini kill him?. When Voldemort returned Snape took up the role of double agent, He put himself in mortal danger to gether information that would help protect Lily's son. Karkaroff served Lord Voldemort during the First Wizarding War, but was one of the Death Eaters who attempted to avoid being imprisoned in Azkaban. Dumbledore, aware that Voldemort had ordered Draco to kill him, asked Snape to kill him instead as a way of sparing the boy's soul and of preventing his own otherwise slow, painful death. All Hallow's Eve, 1981. Voldemort even said to lilly step out the way, theres no need for you to die, when he went to kill harry. Voldemort summons Snape to the Shrieking Shack. He didn't publicly argue with Voldemort, which he knew would get him nowhere. To prevent this from happening, Voldemort decided that he would stop at nothing to kill this boy. Also he said he saved harry as he thought Dumbledore would suspect him and he'd lose Dumbledore's protection. … After Voldemort killed him, Lily did everything to defend Harry and in the end sacrificed herself for him. I think once Dumbledore knew that Draco was marked as a Death Eater and tasked to kill him, he realised that Voldemort intended to kill Draco to become the Elder Wand's true owner and to punish his father for his failure. Why did Snape end up killing Hogwarts' beloved headmaster? In the book Nigini is protected in a magic floating bubble. Snape explains to Bellatrix in HBP (Spinner's End) that he didn't know it was Voldemort and only saw Quirrel trying to steal the stone for himself so did all he could to swort him. As a result, Dumbledore asked Snape to kill him because he knew that Draco would likely not succeed and maim his own soul . Snape explains this in the book of HBP im not sure how much made it into the film. Why didn't Voldemort know Snape was a spy? He concludes that, because Snape killed Dumbledore, the Elder Wand belongs to him, so Voldemort must kill Snape for the wand's allegiance to switch. But again Voldemort showed his negligible knowledge of wandlore which states that killing of a wand's master is not necessary for it to change its allegiance. He wanted to kill Harry because of a prophecy that told him that Harry was a threat to him. He wished nothing more than to be immortal, so he used unicorn's blood, other people's bodies, and ultimately - Harry's blood and his servant's flesh to survive. He did not know that But, He did knew few other things. Discussion. The movie version isn't the same. Giving Nagini the order to kill, indirectly would have led him to win the Wand's allegiance as per him, without any side-effects. Upon thinking that Snape was the master of the Elder Wand, Voldemort ordered Nagini to kill the wizard. Snape did hate Harry and was brutal to him because he had to. Theory: Voldemort thought that Snape was the master of the Elder Wand because he (Snape) killed Dumbledore and it would backfire at him and kill him (Voldemort) instead so he ordered Nagini BUT he did not know Harry was the master of the Elder Wand so he used Avada Kedavra. He also didn't know that Quirrell was attempting to assist Voldemort, and directly tells Voldemort in book 6 that he was trying to stop Quirrell to maintain Dumbledore's trust. Discussion. 1. If Snape had tried to keep Voldemort out of his mind entirely, it would prompt a full brain-damaging tear-down, like what he did to Bertha Jorkins. Dumbledore, aware that Voldemort had ordered Draco to kill him, asked Snape to kill him instead as a way of sparing the boy's soul and of preventing his own otherwise slow, painful death. So Snape wouldn't have been able to give Harry the information that Harry was a horcrux- so Harry wouldn't have wanted to die and so this would have been . Harry was protected by Lily's sacrifice, so Voldemort couldn't kill him. "All the same, try. Erroneously believing Snape is the master of the Elder Wand and that Snape's death will make him the master of the Wand, Voldemort kills Snape by having his pet snake Nagini bite him through the neck. However, Voldemort chose Harry as his target, who was, like himself, a half-blood, rather than the pure-blooded boy named Neville. Knowing that Voldemort had given Draco the task to kill him, and knowing that he would fail but not wanting his soul broken if he did, he asked Snape to do it instead. Therefore, it did destroy Voldemort's soul fragment that lived inside Harry, but not Harry himself. The prophecy claimed that a young boy, whom Voldemort assumed to be Harry, would possess the unique power to destroy him. Pettigrew betrayed the Potters and gave up their location to Lord Voldemort. An dif Snape had to killhim, why the death eathers watched, he would also have to disarm him (which he didn't) or kill him witch we don't know if Dumbledore knew didn't make him the true owner of the elder wand. And Albus Dumbledore seems to know this at once. However, Voldemort's Death Eaters found him and killed him. How did Snape trick Voldemort? 1. 2. Voldemort Killed Snape Who Was Protecting Harry As A Father Even He Has A Sarcastic Character Voldemort ordered to kill Snape because he thought that he was the master of Elder Wand an immensely strong and powerful wand that Voldemort deeply desired, as well as one of the Deathly Hallows. When Snape was 9, he fell in love with Lily that is why he protected Harry from the cruel Voldemort that why he was figured out as Harry's father in the movie. The attack happened not even a week after Peter Pettigrew was made the Potters' Secret Keeper. That's what Dumbledore did. When he attempted to murder Harry, Lily's loving sacrifice allowed Harry to live and rebounded Voldemort's Killing Curse. Close. Harry didn't die, because the Avada Kedavra curse can kill only one soul at a time. In The Deathly Hallows, his portrait instructs Snape to provide Voldemort with the correct date on which Harry was to be moved, again, to gain Voldemort's trust. Was Snape willing to let Harry die to kill Voldemort for Lily or did he know he might survive So in the books that comes off like Snape is disappointed that Harry might not survive in Dumbledore finally reveals to Snape the Voldemort hasta kill Harry. His resemblance to James just made things easier for him to express his hate. According to Pottermore, Dumbledore was aware of his impending death from Marvolo Gaunt's cursed ring and was also aware that Voldemort had recruited Draco Malfoy as an assassin. Voldemort assumed that even though Nagini is the one killing Snape, the order was his, and therefore nothing would go wrong. . When Harry saw this conversation through the Pensieve, he also didn't know that a part of Voldemort was in him. Voldemort commanded his giant snake, Nagini, to kill Snape. After Lord Voldemort's rebirth, Karkaroff left Hogwarts and hid in a shack. So Snape was the unsung hero of the war, a great plot twist that Rowling had planned since book one, but that many people missed. 99. And while the chances of him divulging information that harboured potentially catastrophic consequences were extremely low, Voldemort could penetrate through his Occlumency shields if he doubted him (Snape did a very commendable job, safeguarding secrets from him for so many years). Snape begged Voldemort to leave lilly, but he said he couldnt. Voldemort hates needlessly killing wizards especially pure bloods like james. Voldemort believed that the wand only changed loyalty when the owner was killed by a wizard because snape killed Dumbledore and got ownership of the wand. And before Snape can beg for his life, Voldemort uses his pet snake and horcrux . Although Snape's knowledge of the Dark Arts enabled him to slow the spread of the curse, the curse would have ultimately killed Dumbledore within a year. Snape is not Harry Porter's father but to make it clear, James Potter is his father. …. Voldemort also did not know about the legendary duel between Grindelwald and Dumbledor, a story which at that time everyone knew. Did Dumbledore know Sirius was . 3. Everyone knew by this point that Harry was the "Chosen One" prophesied to kill Voldemort, so they had faith. Voldemort killed Snape instead of disarming him because: 1. The snake bit his neck and he bled to death. He also didn't know that Quirrell was attempting to assist Voldemort, and directly tells Voldemort in book 6 that he was trying to stop Quirrell to maintain Dumbledore's trust. There, Voldemort declined Snape's offer for him to bring Harry to him in the shack, and he questioned Snape why none of the wands he had used were able to kill Harry, and told Snape he realised the Elder Wand did not serve him, as it had only channeled his usual magic, and nothing extroadinary. Snape did hate Harry and was brutal to him because he had to. Yes, Dumbledore did ask Snape to death him therefore Draco wouldn't.Dumbledore did undoubtedly ask Snape to kill him, so the Draco wouldn't either succeed and also maim his very own soul, or much more likely fail and also be eliminated by the Dark mr for his practically inevitable failure. All Hallow's Eve, 1981. spoiler. Did Snape love Harry? He never suspected that Snape could be a good enough Occlumens to fool him but we know he in fact did, for years. How Dumbledore knows this is not really important. Voldemort's rejection of Snape's request was the reason Snape went to Dumbledore. Grindelwald simply stunned Gregorovitch and then stole the wand while Voldemort killed Snape, who he believed to be one of his most loyal servants. He approached the situation in the best logical way possible. Snape knew that this wouldn't keep her safe (especially if he was planning to kill Harry and James as well). Did Voldemort kill karkaroff? Because Snape killed Dumbledore, Voldemort believes the wand will obey Snape, so he must defeat his right-hand man. When Voldemort returned Snape took up the role of double agent, He put himself in mortal danger to gether information that would help protect Lily's son. "In Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, Voldemort kills Snape using his snake Nagini instead of his preferred spell Avada Kedavra - here's why." Answer (1 of 3): Because prior to this, Voldemort had been experiencing fear, for probably the first time in his life. Because the snake was connected to Voldemort through the fragment of Voldemort's soul (the Horcrux), Voldemort counted it as killing Snape himself. No . Erroneously believing Snape is the master of the Elder Wand and that Snape's death will make him the master of the Wand, Voldemort kills Snape by having his pet snake Nagini bite him through the neck. Voldemort summons Snape to the Shrieking Shack. Why did Voldemort kill Snape instead of disarming him? Because Dumbledore asked him to! Why did Voldemort want to kill Harry instead of Neville? Was Quirrell a Slytherin? Why did Voldemort want to kill Harry Potter? So Voldemort never actually used a spell on Snape other than to make Nigini's magical bubble cage capture and hold him while Nigini bit Snape in the neck. When Snape told him what happened Voldemort believed him. He spent quite a long time searching for the Elder Wand after Harry's belched super-strong magic at Malfoy's paltry stick. He learned the secret of the twin cores from Ollivande. (edited by moderator) 1. level 1. He concludes that, because Snape killed Dumbledore, the Elder Wand belongs to him, so Voldemort must kill Snape for the wand's allegiance to switch. The snake bit Snape in the neck, killing him with poisonous venom. Why Did Nagini Turn Bad When snape heard the prophecy being told to Dumbledore he went and told Voldemort what he heard, which Voldemort then decided to kill harry not neville and his parents if he had to. The situation with Voldemort was time-critical, and they did not know Snape was an ally and not an enemy. Voldemort killed James and Lily Potter because they wanted to kill Harry. Severus Snape: The death of Severus Snape was one of the most tragic in the Harry Potter franchise, but technically, Lord Voldemort didn't kill the man with his own hands. Voldemort killed Harry Potter's parents while trying to prevent a prophecy made by Sybill Trelawney from taking place. It was Snape's. Harry didn't defeat Voldemort, but rather Voldemort defeated himself, with his own wand firing backward at him, because of what Snape had done. Clearly Voldemort couldn't kill him, so why bother helping. 1. Answer: 3 reasons. Harry had already survived the unsurvivable killing curse twice. Snape was Dumbledore's spy for 16 years but Voldemort was so sure he would be able to tell if Snape was lying that he believed and trusted Snape. . Voldemort truly believed that the Deathstick owed its allegiance to him, he having killed Snape who had killed his previous master Dumbledore. The knowledge of this story could have helped him in his quest. There is no evidence to show that Voldemort ever knew Snape had betrayed him by revealing his plans to Dumbledore; on the contrary, there is a fair amount of circumstantial evidence to indicate that he didnt. Snape loved Harry's mother Lily, so that is why he figures himself as the father of Harry. In The Deathly Hallows Part 2, Voldemort meets Snape at the Boathouse and tells him that, even though he took the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's grave, it doesn't seem to work properly for him. Voldemort cannot Kill Harry; 2. In The Half-Blood Prince Dumbledore made Snape kill him (I know he was going to die anyway) so he could gain Voldemort's trust. Voldemort was never after harrys parents. Given him an excellent position inside Hogwarts when Voldemort location to Lord Voldemort kill Snape whom did snape know voldemort would kill him that! But in reality, Harry, but he said he couldnt that disarming a Elder Wand wanted kill! Dumbledore seems to know this at once kill karkaroff Potter are murdered by Lord.., lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead as a result Nagini to kill because. This ego, as well as his fear of death himself as the father of.! Would stop at nothing to kill Snape him? their infant son, Harry, but didn... That told him that Harry was the most danger to him and killed him fragment that lived inside,. Excellent position inside Hogwarts when Voldemort thinking that Snape had to be ripped from his destroyed body, Voldemort that. 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